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Justin's POV
Opening my eyes I sit up as I hear one of the babies crying. I gently release my arm from under Ana's head and I quickly make my way over to the babies room. I hear Melanie crying and I carry her out of her crib. Turning on the light, I get a pacifier and pop it in as it then bops in her mouth.

I gently place her on the changing station and I unbutton the bottom of her onesie. "And now I know why you were crying," I say scrunching my nose as I cleaned up the mess in her diaper. After cleaning her up, I clean my hands with hand sanitizer and put her over my shoulder. Grabbing the dirty diaper, I go downstairs to throw away the diaper. Opening the fridge, I get one of the bottles and put it in the microwave to heat up.

I carry her off my shoulder and put her on my arms as I then smile at her. "Jesus you look so much like your mom," I say looking down at my adorable little baby girl. Her little dimples showcased when I caressed her chubby cheek. "She was lying when she said you look like me. She can be a little crazy sometimes huh? But I still love her," I say gently running my hand over the little hair she had.

Once the bottle was done heating up, I put some on my wrist to check its temperature. I then place it in her mouth and she happily drank the milk.

Walking up the stairs I whisper to her, "Alright now promise me one thing okay? That you'll stay quiet if I let you in mine and mommy's room. Deal?" I say looking down at her and she just looked at me as I held the bottle at her mouth.

I gently lay down on the bed and I set the baby on my chest as I then cover her with the blankets.  Holding the bottle at her mouth, it bopped back and forth in her mouth.  I gently pat her bottom making her slowly fall asleep.  Once she was fully asleep, I remove the bottle from her mouth and I get up to place her back in the crib.  Covering her with the blanket, she whines a bit and I pat her bottom as she then falls back asleep. 

Going back in the room, I curl up next to Ana and I cover myself with the blankets once again.  Closing my eyes, I then feel Ana grab my hand and she places it over her body.  I smile and I pull her closer to my body.  I lift my head and place a kiss on her cheek as I then hugged her from behind. 

"Thanks for getting Melanie," she sleepily mumbles and I lightly laugh.  "You were awake the whole time?" I say and she chuckles.  "Sorry.  I'm tired," she says turning to me and I pull her closer to me.  Her warm breath hit my bare chest and I kiss the top of her head.  "It's okay, it's not like she drove me crazy," I say and she lightly laughs.  "Not yet.  They've got a lot up their sleeve watch," she says making me laugh. 

She places one finger over my lips shushing me.  "Sh," she says giggling, and she kisses me making me shut up.  Her head lay on my bicep and I wrapped my other arm around her as I then kiss her passionately.  "I love you," I tell her as I then kiss her once again.

"Oh I know you do since you got up to take care of Melanie even though you have work tomorrow," she teases at me and I playfully roll my eyes.  "I do something good and you're teasing me about it?" I say laughing and she giggles.  "Cause I love you," she says and I playfully roll my eyes as I laugh along with her.  "Yeah, sure," I say sarcastically. 

"You don't believe me?" She says and I joke as I say, "Nope," making her laugh.  "Well I do Bieber, whether you believe it or not," she says as she then kisses me and I smother her cheeks with kisses making her giggle. 

"Alright I'm sleepy, go back to sleep.  You're going to be tired tomorrow," she says as she then stops kissing me and she places her head under my chin. 
Running my fingers up and down her back we both then fall asleep.

Next morning
"Make sure to get those files in about the schizophrenic guy who robbed the bank and then shot everyone in it," I hear one of my co-workers remind another co-worker.  Today was yet another office day I dreaded.  Putting files in, making final reports, and final decisions. 

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