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Ana's POV
"And what's this for?" Jason asks as I apply mascara to my eyelashes, looking in the mirror, I see his confused adorable face.  "That's a beauty blender," I say and he walks to me.  "You don't need this, you're already beautiful," he says and I smile at him, "You're so cheesy," and I take the sponge from his hand.  "I've been told that before," He walks to my vanity to find another thing to ask me what it was. 

Jason and I were currently getting ready to go to Emma's bonfire, since Jason was done way before me, I invited him over.  Which I didn't mind, obviously. Being with him has honestly been so amazing. He's the sweetest and most cheesiest boyfriend I can ever have. He has a way with words to make me laugh and smile like never before.

"What are you going to wear?" He asks and I close the mascara bottle and put it in the small drawer to the right of my dresser. "I'm really not sure. Wanna help?" I ask and he nods his head. "Yeah, lets see what you have," he says walking to my closet. "Dresses, skin tight dresses, jeans, shirts, more skin tight dresses, leggings," he says looking through the closet.

"I think a skin tight dress would look nice," he says taking out a burgundy and white striped skin tight dress. "With these," and he takes out a pair of white high top vans. "I see you have a good sense of style," I say taking them and changing. He watches me through the window all the time, so I don't get bothered to change in front of him.

He turns around either way, I guess it's just funnier when he does so through the window. I slip the dress through my head and run it down my body. "Are you done?" He asks and I hum yes and he turns around. "Oh damn, look at my girl," he wows me while twirling me around. "Aw, you're so beautiful," he kisses me and I smile at him.

"Guys better watch out if they try talking to you, Ima tell them 'That beautiful girl is mine' you're all mine," he says putting some cologne on and the amazing smell lingers the room. "I doubt any guy would try talking to me," I tell him laughing and he responds, "If I saw you at a party, I would not hesitate to try to talk to you," he says putting his Rolex on, which by the way, it looks so hot with his tattooed muscled arms.

Anyways, I reply "Oh really? And would you ask for my number?" I curiously ask and he nods his head, "Definitely," and I just roll my eyes looking at the mirror as I apply lipstick. "Aw babe, now when I kiss you, Ima get lipstick all over me," he says and I kiss him. "It's matte, doesn't come off," and he grabs the small bottle from my hand. "And how much did this cost?" I grab my shoes to put them on. "Only twenty dollars."

"Ready?" He asks and I nod my head. "Yeah let's go," the drive was pretty long, Emma used to live really close to me, but due to the college she chose, she moved pretty far away. "Are we almost there? I haven't seen houses for miles," Jason says looking around and behind him. I insisted on driving, but he offered, so I wasn't going to say no.

The road was basically dirt at this point. No cars were driving anymore, except for maybe one every five minutes, but they would be going the opposite way. There was just trees, and trees, and animals, and even more trees surrounding us. The sky was pitch black, but the stars were shining pretty bright.

"Yeah, we're about seven minutes away," I tell him. "It's a lake house, so it's in the middle of nowhere," I add on and he sighs. "A fire in the woods? Isn't that the first thing people say when you're in the woods?" He says laughing and I shrug my shoulders. "That's just Emma," and he nods his head looking back at the road. "I'm not trying to run away from a wolf again," he blurts out making me laugh. "I'm taking you, and I'm running out of that house," he says and I giggle.

"I think I see the house," I say as I could see a small light up ahead, with smoke on top of it being released. "Yeah I see it too," he says turning the wheel and drives on the dirt path. "You have arrived at your destination," SIRI tells us. "Doesn't look like it," Jason says turning off the ignition. He drives out and I unplug my phone from the charger since I was using the GPS. "Thanks," I say as he helps me out of the car.

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