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Ana's POV
"I can't, I have to study for my final," I explain to my best friend Emma who was basically begging me to go to a party with her, but I had a final in a week in my psychology class. I didn't major in it, and spend all this money on the class just to bomb the big test. "C'mon Ana, you're going to go crazy by being stuck in that house with all those books around you," she tries to persuade me.

I could use a break...

"Fine, but three beers, and I'm leaving, I don't want a hangover," I laugh remembering the last time I got drunk. Let's just say, everything was hard to clean up the next morning. "No girl, I'm getting you wasted tonight, you need it from all of the studying you've been doing," she says and I roll my eyes.

I know my limit, and I'm not going to it tonight. 

"It's at Betty's right?" I ask closing my book and putting my pens and notebook away.  "Yeah, and there's gonna be weed and alcohol," she says and I reply with, "I'm not going!" I say and she begins laughing.  "I'm kidding!  Alright bookworm, I'll see you there," she says and I roll my eyes at what she called me but laugh.  "Bye Em," and hang up. 

Getting up from my bed I go to my closet and think of what to wear. It was mid Autumn, so a jean jacket, burgundy undershirt, black jeans and boots it is. Combing my hair into a high pony tail, I swear I feel eyes on me. I look out my window, and peek into one of Jason's rooms.  The light was on, but he wasn't in there.

Shrugging my shoulders I finish up my hair, and leave the house. I grab my phone, and my bag, and head out the door. As I'm walking out to my car I hear crumpling leaves, I look behind me, but not a surprise, the crumpling noise stops.

Oh great, just like in every single scary movie, this is the part where the psychopath who's obsessed with the main character shows up out of nowhere and scares the girl to death.

I continue walking and I hear the leaves crumpling again, now without even looking behind me, I speed walk to my car parked across the street.

Just my luck.

As I speed walk something behind me stomps, and I look behind me but no one was there. I run to my car and get in. Out of breath, I search for my phone, but it wasn't in my jacket anymore. "Where the fuck is it?" I whisper to myself confused as I pat my body looking for the phone.

Then someone slams their hands on my window  making me jump in fear. I look at them, "You dropped your phone!" he yells through the window. I sigh in relief because it was someone I knew.  I then roll my window down, and I say, "Jesus Jason, was that you following me?" I ask but he makes a blank face and stays still for a moment. "I–No, no, I was on my front door step, and I saw that your phone fell while you ran," he explains.

Taking the phone from his hand, I put it in my back pocket and he stays there. Clearing my throat, I decide to get rid of the awkwardness, "How's the house coming along?" I ask and he basically ignores my question. "Alright, where are you going?" He says as he looks down at my outfit and I look down at it. "To a party with my friend, going to go drink and probably smoke weed," I laugh and he keeps a still face making me stop laughing.

I clear my throat and look at him waiting for him to say something. He just stood there.

"Be careful Ana, I wouldn't want you to get hurt," he says monotonously and I lightly laugh to cut the awkwardness, but he didn't laugh. "Yeah, I'll be careful," I say nodding my head and finish it off.  "Thank you for giving me my phone back, but I should be heading, don't want to be late," I say putting on my seat belt and he stays there only inches away from my car not moving. "Anytime Ana," and I drive off. As I drive off, he stands there watching my car turn the street.

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