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Justin's POV
Tying my tie, I make sure it is straightened and aligned with the buttoning of my shirt. It's been three months that I've been working at my new job, and Ariana, Malcolm, Hailey and I decided to celebrate. Honestly, we were really just having an excuse to go out and probably get drunk. The expectations coming from the job is always high, so we felt we needed to relieve some stress.

Putting some cologne on, I get my keys, my phone, and I leave the house. Getting into my car, I drive to a local flower store. On the way to the store, I get a message from Mac. I read, "Are you asking her tonight? Or are you still going to wait?" He asks and I sharply exhale.

Replying, I type, "What do you think? Too soon?" I ask. Parking in front of the the flower store. I walk out of the car and enter the small store.

"Good evening. What flowers would you like?" The young woman asks me with a smile, and I reply, "I'll have a bouquet of twelve roses please." She then walks out from behind the counter and she opens up a door where she kept the flowers. She takes out a bouquet of roses and she ties a ribbon at the bottom. "Forty-five dollars and thirty-seven cents," she says and I hand her a fifty dollar bill. After getting my change back, I grab the bouquet of flowers and thank the young woman.

Going back in my car, I put Hailey's address into the GPS and begin the drive.

Thinking about Mac's question, I knew for sure that I was ready to be in a relationship. It's time I've moved on. Ana and I weren't meant to be, and that's perfectly okay. Hailey is an amazing woman, and I'm crazy about her. I don't love Ana anymore, and although Hailey and I aren't at that stage where I can say I love her, we're still most definitely in love with one another. She makes me happy, and I know I do the same with her. She's an amazing mother, and my heart belongs to her now. Some might say it was all too quick, but when you know, you just know.

And I now know that Hailey was the one I was destined to be with all these years. I was wasting my time with Ana.

Arriving to Hailey's house, I take the roses in my hand and I walk out the car. Ringing her doorbell, I wait a few moments for her to open the door. Checking the time on my watch, she opens the door and she was in awe when she sees the roses. "Aw Justin!  You got me roses, you're so sweet," she tells me as I hand them to her and she hugs me. 

"They're beautiful, thank you," she thanks me and I smile at her.  "Oh it's nothing," I say waving my hand and she giggles.  "I'm going to put them in a vase and we can get going alright?" She says and I nod my head as she then walks back into her house.

She quickly gets a vase and fills it with water and then places the bouquet in.  "Alright, let's go," she smiles as we then walk out the front door.  Opening the passenger seat for her, she sits down and I walk to my side.  "Mac and Ariana are already there, so Ima be speeding a bit," I warn her and she shakes her head laughing a bit.  "They always do that.  At any event for work, they would literally be the first people there," she says as I put my seatbelt and I furrow my eyebrows at what she had said. 

"That's a bit odd," I say and she shrugs her shoulders.  "That's just them," she says and we drive off to the restaurant.  "How's the case with Ariana going?" She asks and I roll my eyes.  "The client is not telling us anything, she's being ridiculous," I say making her laugh.  "Yeah, you'll get those clients at times," she says and we get on the freeway.

"Imagine if all the clients just confessed to everything and told the truth?  Our jobs would be so much more easier," I say and she chuckles.  "We would go through a case in less than a week," she says making me laugh.  "That'd be a dream," She says and I nod my head. 

Intertwining our fingers, I say, "You're a dream," making her blush.  "You damn flirt," she says making me release a laugh.  It was an inside joke we've had going on for a while.  Every time we told each other something cute, we'd call the other a flirt. 

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