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Ana's POV
Closing the front door in front of Jason I sigh in relief as I successfully ran away from him. I hear his fists banging on the door and I cry silently to myself. Not only was the real him now completely gone, and is he now insane, but he wanted to hurt me. "Ana, please. I just got mad babe, you know I wouldn't ever hurt you," he begs me and I silently cry with my back to the front door.

"I know you're there Ana, and I can hear you crying. Open the door, please. I just want to talk, I want to hug you my love," he says and I pull my dress down covering my knees feeling disgusting at what he attempted to do to me.

I have to leave.

I quietly stand up and leave to my room upstairs. I cry as I grab a luggage under my bed, and pack any clothes I have in my closet. I get a backpack and put my essentials in there. I couldn't think of how I was going to leave in my car and I look up to the big window that went to the side of the house.

I tighten the straps of my backpack on my back, I hold the luggage tightly, and I jump. I landed on the luggage and I hear Jason calling me. I run to the other side and I open the gate. I lock it behind me and I make eye contact with Jason, but he was on the opposite side of the gate. "Open this gate Ana!" He says shaking it and I run to the car.

I hear him yell in pain as he falls from the gate. I open the car and throw my shit in the back and start the engine. He runs to his own car and as I drive off, he follows me behind bumper to bumper. I speed up and his engine purs as he speeds up as well. I make a sharp turn and head to the freeway, I don't know where I'm going, but I'm leaving as far as possible.

I drive off into the freeway and become glad that many cars were in the freeway. It'll be easier for him to lose me in all these cars. I see his eyes on the mirror and it sends shivers down my spine.

My phone then begins ringing, "What now?" I say grabbing it and seeing "My love" on the screen made me angry. Fucking psychopath, I should have never made a move that one day when I saw him at his front lawn.

God I'm such a fucking idiot.

I change lanes and he follows right behind me. My phone begins ringing again and I yell in anger. He then goes next to me. He yells something and I speed up going in front of him. Obviously he follows me behind. I then see an exit and I quickly make the turn and I see his car leaving out on the other freeway. I excitedly jump in my seat becoming relieved that he lost me.

My phone rings again and I answer this time, "Don't get too excited Ana," he says and I reply, "What do you mean? You lost me asshole," and he laughs. "Look behind you," and I see his car right behind me. "Just stop at the road babe, don't make this hard on yourself," he says and I hang up on him.

"That's not nice, I was mid sentence love." he texts me and I text back "I don't care about what you have to say." and he soon texts back. "Don't put your life at risk because you want to be a bitch to me."  I text back, "Keep threatening me, I'll take it to the police." I ignore his next text.  I speed up and I see his lights following me behind.  I suddenly make a U-Turn and I see his car pass with others.  I sigh and begin laughing in joy. 

"Now to find a hotel," I say to myself and I look for one not too nearby, so he wouldn't know which I would be staying in.  Driving about twenty minutes away from where I lost Jason, I find a hotel, and quickly pay for my room.  "How many nights?" The woman at the desk asks me, "Uh, a week?" I say and she nods her head.  She then tells me the price, and I almost leave, but luckily I had an emergency account with thousands of dollars, and this was an emergency.  "Just take it from my bank account," I say and I leave the lobby taking the key, and my things to the room.

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