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Jason's POV
Looking over the small glass table, I look at all the rings.  I had to find the one that represented how beautiful she was, and expressed our love.  I look over at one that has small diamonds around the band.  Not good enough.  I then see one with a rose gold band and a beautiful light pink diamond.  I look at the guy over the counter and tell him, "I want this one," and he takes it out. 

After buying it, I place the small box in my pocket and leave the mall to go back home.  On the side of the road I see a small flower shop.  I turn in and park near it.  Walking in I see multiple types of flowers.  Roses, sunflowers, stargazers, and tulips.  "What can I get for you?" The guy asks me with a small accent in his voice.  "Um, do you have red peonies?" I ask the guy looking around the store for some.  "Red Peonies?  I'll check in the back," he says and I nod my head still looking around the small store. 

He then comes out with a bouquet, a vase, and a small basket of them.  "Which one would you like today?" He asks and I obviously take the vase.  "Forty five?" I ask looking at the small board behind him imbedded with the types of flowers and their prices.  "Forty for your first purchase," he says and I smile, "Thank you." I hand him the money.  

"For your mother?  Or girlfriend?" He asks and I reply, "Soon to be fiancé," I say and he smiles, "Good luck, let me know if the flowers win her over," and I laugh.  "Thanks, I just got her the ring today," I say and he asks, "Where are you proposing?" "At the beach, too cliché, but she loves the place," and he nods his head.  "I'm sure she'll say yes," and I smile at his words, "Thanks." I leave the shop. 

Driving to Ana's, I get to her doorstep.  I ring the doorbell and then place the vase behind me with one hand.  "Hi love," she says hugging me.  I only hugged her with one hand and she asks why I was hiding the other hand.  "It's a surprise," I say and she tries to lean over to look at the item behind me but I turn my chest to her.  She laughs, "What is it?" She asks and I say, "Walk in the house, and close your eyes.  I will show you it when you walk in," I say and she closes her eyes.  I then place it in front of me, and with her turned around I lead her to her kitchen. 

I lightly place the heavy vase on the granite counter.  Almost forgetting, I place the small box from my pocket to the counter next to the flowers.  "Done?" She asks and I cover her eyes with my hands.  "I want to make sure you're not peeking," I say and she giggles.  "Show me already!" She says and I remove my hands.  She gasps, "You got me my favorite flowers aww," she hugs me and I hold her. 

"Wait, what's in the small box?" She asks and I tell her, "Open it," I say and she asks, "Are you serious? Jason, I don't think I'm ready for this kind of thing," she says and I reply, "Babe, it's just a box, open it," and she flips it open.  "Earrings," I say and she smiles after she sighs in relief. 


"Jason they're beautiful, and you got them in my favorite color.  Thank you love," she says hugging me and I kiss her lips as she lets me go. 

"What am I getting spoiled for?" She asks and I say, "You'll see," as I walk away and she asks following me.  "When will I see?" And I reply "Tonight," "What is it?" She curiously asks.  I obviously wasn't going to give in, especially with this surprise.  "I'm not going to tell you," I say sitting down on a seat at her dining table.  "Can I have a hint?" She asks and I pet her hair, "Nope," and she gives me puppy dog eyes. 

"Those always win me over, but not today," and she gives up.  "Where's the box love?  I want to to put your earrings on you," I say and she hands me the box.  The one in my pocket then feels heavier.  "Let me see," I say and she shows me her ear as I had an earring in my hand.  Then I put on the next one and close the box. 

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