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Jason's POV
She kissed me, she actually fucking kissed me. Now she loves me, and we will never ever be apart. Everything changes now with her, and we are together in this with everything. She'll be mine, and I'll be hers, forever. I can already hear the wedding bells coming in the next year, and our child's first cry from birth.

All this is running through my mind as I approach my front door step. I didn't think she would actually kiss me, but I'm glad it happened. Going up the stairs to my room I take out a notebook from my desk and write.

Ana, the only name that will bring joy to my heart, and a curve on my mouth. We will take on the world together, it's just you and I now. And if you ever leave me, all hell will break lose. Because you are mine, and nobody el–" the pencil breaks and I stop to take a breath. I look to the left of my room, and her curtains were closed, but her lights were on.

Enough has happened today, I won't bother her. I close up my notebook and hide it in the drawer of my desk with my other personal belongings. I had set up my entire room in the past weeks, so I now have a set bed and a full room.

After showering, I set myself in bed and smile because of Ana. Only she can cause this, and I can't wait to live my life with her.

Just her and I, and no one else.

Following Weekend
"And no whip cream please?" Ana says ordering her coffee. We decided to go to a cafe at the local mall then read from the few books we took. "They will be ready in ten minutes," the barista says and we walk away. Sitting down, I place the books against the wall, perfectly aligned and in the center of the left side of the table.

"Do you have OCD?" Ana blurts out and I raise my head to look at her. I laugh nervously, "obsessive-compulsive disorder? I believe I don't have an obsession Ana," I say and she laughs. "I don't know, I've just noticed that you always want things done perfectly, and in a certain aligned way," she says shrugging her shoulders and I laugh to hide my current anger.

A/N: (I know what OCD actually is, I understand it isn't just wanting things perfectly aligned or clean, it's an obsession with certain actions or thoughts, and I know people with any mental disorder or mental illness aren't crazy or "insane".  Just thought I should clear this up just in case it has offended anyone in any way) (:

How could she say I have a disorder? I'm not fucking crazy, I don't have a mental illness that makes me psycho. But I love her, it's fine. She doesn't know me all too well.

"I guess I could have OCD, if that's what you think," I say concurring to her assumption, if it makes her happy. But I'm not fucking crazy. She's crazy for thinking I have such a thing. I'm perfectly normal just like everyone in this world. I think and act and walk and eat and breathe just like everyone else.

"Jason!" Ana interrupts my thoughts and I fade out of my thoughts. "Huh?" I say and she laughs, the sound I adore so much. "Our coffees are ready," and I get up from my seat to walk over to the barista. I get my coffee from the counter along with Ana.

I look over at Ana's coffee, and the white fluffy substance she specifically didn't ask for, sits on her caffeinated drink. "I'm sorry, she asked for no whip cream," I tell the barista and Ana says "It's okay, I could just drink around it," she laughs off and I say "No Ana, you asked for it, why can't she give you what you deserve, and what you asked for. Take it off," I take the mug and demand she change it, and she does so.

"Jason, you didn't have to do that, it was just coffee," she says and I turn to her. "I'm sorry, I just can't stand horrible service. You clearly asked for no whip, I don't know why she wouldn't pay attention to that," I explain. What if she was lactose intolerant? She could've died, and I had to save her. I will always watch her with careful eyes and make sure she's continuously in her happiest and most comfortable state.

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