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Justin's POV
"Remove the uniform, put your regular clothes back on, and put it back in the car," he orders me and I do so. He gets out of the car, not before getting the gun, and he tells Ana something.

After I change back into my regular clothes, I put the uniform in the back and get out of the car. "I didn't tell you to get out of the car," he says and I roll my eyes as I then go back in and sit at the front.

"Now drive it to the water," he says and I look at him. "Looking at me won't put the car underwater, drive the car into the lake," he says and I sigh. "Just push the car into the water," Ana says and he laughs. "No, I want to see if this guy is actually smart. We'll see if he can figure out a quick way to make it sink, but also a way to get out easily. So go on Justin, drive the car under the water," he says and I turn on the car.

I roll down the windows, and I start driving in. Soon enough, water began falling into the car and I drive into the water more. Once the water was up to my neck, I look at him. "Keep going, I want you submerged," he says and I put my foot on the petal. Once it was at my mouth, I took a deep breathe and with all my force drove the car into the lake.

The car went deep under the water and I was going down. I quickly went through the window and I stepped on the floor, but my foot got stuck under a log in the water.

"Justin!" I hear Ana yell out and I kick my leg trying to get it off. I felt myself becoming light headed and I yelled under water knowing that the bubbles would arise to the surface. "Justin!" I hear Ana's voice and I push the log with my hands. My foot was finally free and I swam to the surface as fast as I could.

I broke through the water and I gasp for air. I began panting as I swam to the dirt and Ana helps me by pulling me body up. I shiver as my wet body felt the cold air. "Alright now drive Ana's car," Jason said and I shivered as I walked. He got in the passenger seat with me and Ana went in the back.

"What's your address?" I ask looking at the GPS and Jason mocks my voice, "What's your address? Drive to a clothing store," he says and I ask why that was necessary. "God you ask so many fucking questions. So your drenched ass can change and I can get into normal clothes before other police see me. Unless you want to stay looking like you stood in the rain for an hour and have Ana get arrested for keeping an inmate, then we could drive back to my house. Drive to like a Goodwill or something," he explains and I put in the GPS a Goodwill.

Arriving to a goodwill, he tells Ana to get out of the car and get Jason and I clothes. "So what do you do for a living?" He asks me and I lightly laugh. "I don't feel like having a conversation with you," I say and he rolls his eyes. "Quit acting fucking brave, you're acting like you have a choice to act like a little bitch around me. What do you do for a living?" He asks again and I reply, "I'm in college majoring in Forensic Psychology. I work full time as a forensic psychologist at a jail. You?" I ask ready to laugh at his response.

"I work a full time job too, it's called fucking girls," and I look at him rolling my eyes. "That's a good job. With a future of STDs that'll do you great," I say sarcastically and he remarks, "I use protection dumbass," he says. "I'm the dumbass? At least I actually do something for a living," I say and he scoffs as he then laughs.

"Oh keep talking shit dude, it's hilarious what you say," he says laughing at me and I see Ana walking out the store. She gets back in the car and hands us the bag of clothes. "Change in the car, and then take us to Ana's house," he tells me as I remove my shirt and put a new one on. I also remove my jeans and open the door. I twist them to remove the water and then I throw them in the bag.

Jason removed his jumpsuit and I saw the many tattoos he had. The guy was basically ripped, and inked with tattoos all over his body.

"Alright let's get to Ana's house," he says and Ana says, "My house? We're taking you to your house," she says and Jason turns around. "No, I'm staying in your house. Wanna know why? Cause the fucking police are going to find out I escaped. They're going to look up my information, find my house and arrest me. So unless you both wanna get shot," he says pointing the gun to the both of us, "I'm staying in your house." He says and Ana sits back on the seat.

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