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Jason's POV
I laughed to myself as I heard the idiot fall from the window. I could hear him hyperventilating all the way from the living room. Looking out the window, I see him struggling to get up. When he finally does, he ran to the car and sped off into the streets.

I hope he dies on the way. I hope he doesn't even make it past the next street. I hope he gets lost and dies in a car accident. And if he does die, I hope it's a slow death where he can suffer. He deserves it.

Walking back to the couch, I smile in content. He'll have to die, and then Ana will finally leave him and cry about him dying. She'll have to run back to me.

Waking up at eleven at night, I walk up to Ana's room. I open the door, and she wasn't in her bed. Walking to the other rooms, I open them all, and she wasn't sleeping in any of them.

I call her on the phone and wait for her to answer. She then picks up. "Hello?" She says and I ask her, "Where are you?!" "At the doctors," she says and I scoff. "Bullshit, visiting hours ended two hours ago," I tell her. She replies, "I went to go eat," "Where?" I ask putting my shoes and getting my keys. "At a Jack in the Box," she replies and I sarcastically laugh. "It doesn't take you two fucking hours to eat at a fast food restaurant Ana. Do you think I'm stupid?" I tell her becoming furious she would even lie to me. "Sometimes," she says and I ask, "Sometimes what?" "Sometimes I think you're stupid," she replies as I begin getting in my car.

"Haha, very funny. So you're telling me if I go to the Jack in the Box right by the house, you're going to be there eating whatever the fuck you ordered," I say and she replies, "Yup, come right in. I ordered plenty of food," she says and I roll my eyes.

"If you're not there, when you come back here, I'll make sure you almost die just like that stupid boyfriend of yours," I tell her as I begin driving on the road and she doesn't reply. "Yeah fucking ignore me bitch, cause you're not fucking there," I say hanging up and I look up her location.

Yes, I put a chip in her phone to know her location.

Finally finding the location, I laugh to myself as I found the address. "Trying to hide away from me? Impossible," I say as I then turn on a street and drive to the house she was staying in.

Ana's POV
Getting to Justin's house, I turn off the car and get out. He had a two story house, circled by a fence and grass. Opening the gate, and walking to the house, it was almost weird to not feel eyes on me for once. Some part of me felt secure here, since Jason hadn't ever seen me in this house, but another part of me had a feeling that he'll somehow find me.

He seems to always have a way for everything.

Opening the front door, I lock it behind me and go into Justin's room up the stairs.  Going in, a big  smile plastered my face.  Justin had frames of me on his dresser, and a few on his walls.  I smile brightly as I see the picture of me when we went to the Getty.  I see another of one he had took of me when I was swimming in his pool, and next to it was a picture we took the night he asked me to be his girlfriend.

I set the frame down back on the dresser, and I open his dresser. I got a T-shirt and a pair of his sweats. Putting them on, I smile to myself as the shirt fit me like a dress and the sweats were extremely baggy.

After I turn off the lights, I crawl into his bed and put my phone on his nightstand. I turned my back to the door and closed my eyes.

Being suddenly awaken, I feel arms wrap my body and I get placed over top of something. Opening my eyes, I look around and I was in Justin's house, but I was being carried over someone's shoulder. "Put me down, let me go!" I say kicking and hitting at them. I see the tattoos on his arms, and I recognize them all too well.

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