Appearance ship (BTS/EXO/GOT7)

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Thank-you for requesting, sunnydvz! I'm sorry it took so long!


I ship you with Jimin! Jimin would be immediately struck by your black eyes. Whirlpools of blackness would draw him in until he's wrapped around your finger completely. Jimin would really shower you with compliments all the time, you wouldn't be able to go anywhere with him without him commenting on how pretty your hair looks or how nice your outfit is. He'd be really touchy with you, and when you're hanging around other people he'll have his arm around you at all times to signal your his. He'd be a mess sometimes and stressed out over comebacks far too often, but cuddling with you can fix almost anything.


I ship you with D.O! He'd be delighted to finally have someone shorter than him to tease, and you'd be on the receiving end of lots of short jokes he hears from other people. His favorite thing about you would be your name, he'd repeat it all the time just to annoy you. Western names fascinate him and him saying it in his accent would probably be the cutest thing. Kyungsoo would put a lot of effort into your dates, his favorite being the one where you guys eat a super fancy dinner directly on the beach. He'd invite you to all the special events he attends, and you two dressing up would be a hilarious experience. He'd try to help with your makeup until he smears a bunch and you kick him out of the bathroom.


I ship you with BamBam! The first thing BamBam would notice about you would be your fashion style. BamBam is fashionista person himself, so I think he'd be delighted to go shopping with you at any time. He would also love to play around with your hair, and he'd beg you to let him color is some "fashionable" color like silver or pastel pink. He would tease you all the time about anything and everything, but it would be all fun and games. Together, you two would be best friends before anything, and if one had any sort of problem, you both know you can turn to the other for loyal support.

I hope you're not disappointed with the results, and remember that this is just for fun ♡♡

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