Personality Ship (VIXX/BTS/D6)

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Someone requested this ship for you CC_is_a_penguin! Feel free to request your own through my pm!


I ship you with N! Hakyeon has this special charm to him, but I think he'd quickly fall head over heels for you and your sweet personality. Your caring and tender heart would most definitely catch his attention, and he'd find you to be an enchanting goddess. As a couple, you two would be unstoppable, each helping the other and picking up if the other dropped slack along the way. You two would be the power couple everyone is jealous of, because your relationship just works.


I ship you with Namjoon! I think he would be very impressed with how smart you are, and encourage you in whatever studies you choose to pursue. For your birthday, RM would excitedly get you a little dog, since he knows you love animals. He spends a lot of his time working and producing music for Bangtan, which would take him away from you a lot, but he'd make up for it with food and cuddles. He would love to show you off to the rest of BTS, but hiss at them if they got too close with you.


I ship you with Jae! Jae is a big ball of boyfriend material. He'd love to sing you to sleep, but if that didn't work he'd be just as happy to go driving through the night with you next to him. Jae would love to hike with you, eat a picnic lunch out in the wilderness, maybe take a swim in a lake in the middle of nowhere. Jae is full of adventures, and he'd want you to come along to and have the time of your life. Everyday with Jae is a new experience, no day is ever the same.

I hope you're not disappointed with the results, and remember that this is just for fun ♡♡

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