Appearance Ship (SVT/JBJ/BTS)

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Thank-you for requesting, vhoover0618!! This is quite late, I'm sorry ♡


I ship you with Vernon! I think Vernon would be the most likely out of Seventeen to date a redhead, not for any particular reason. He would love your lil chubby fingers. You having instrumental talent would compel him to learn an instrument as well, besides the guitar, which he already knows. When you're mad at him, he'll sneak up on you and try to poke all your freckles until you smile and he knows he's won.


I ship you with Hyunbin! Hyunbin looks very intimidating, especially since he's so tall, but inside he's a big softie. Hyunbin would be the boyfriend who challenged you to all sorts if games. Board games, card games, video games...even games like hide and seek around the house. At first you might think it's a bit childish but soon you'll be laughing so hard when you find him trying to hide behind the TV you can't help but challenge him to find a better hiding place.


I ship you with Jimin! Jiminy would be absolutely delighted to be around someone with equally small hands. He would be a very romantic boyfriend, one who's always trying to go above and beyond for you. He would love to take you on adventures late at night that would end up with you two stargazing on the beach or getting cookies at 2 in the morning. You guys would be the couple that brings energy and liveliness to every gathering with friends!

I hope you're not disappointed with the results, and remember that this is just for fun ♡♡

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