Personality Ship (AO/ANY/ANY)

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Request by SunnySunhi for the lovely Chae_seul! Happy birthday dear!


I ship you with Sanha. Sanha is very talented in multiple areas of the arts, so I think he'd appreciate your love for drawing, dancing, and singing too! Sanha would be the boyfriend to help you learn the guitar, and on the nights when you can't seem to get the notes right, he'll sing you to sleep by playing one of his songs. Sanha has no hold backs on his love for you, there's no limits on showing his affection for you. He loves to hold your hand, and kiss your cheek when he's feeling playful.

Random Idol

I ship you with Coco of CocoSori! Coco is an adorable bean who's essentially a hyper puppy in a human body. She would love going for nature walks with you, getting away from the city and smelling the fresh air. Coco also loves to talk, so I think she'd appreciate that you're a good listener. Coco might drag you to see silly kids movies, but deep down you know that's just how she shows her love for you!

Random Idol

I ship you with Kyung of Block B! Kyung is basically a greasy fluff ball full of nothing but love and some really weird jokes. Being the polite meme you are, Kyung will have no problem being himself around you: no hold backs, no fake love. Just Kyung being his stupid self. He'll bring home flowers just because he thought he looked cute today, and bop your nose when you're stressed. Kyung is the boyfriend to jump around and be silly with you when you're sad, and ask you to slow dance with him in the kitchen instead of going to a fancy party.

I hope you're not disappointed with the results, and remember that this is just for fun ♡♡

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