Personality Ship (TW/2NE1/BP)

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Thank-you for requesting, STARRYHWASA! You're so sweet!


I ship you with Momo! She'd definitely be intrigued by your interesting music taste, and I can see her taking you to music festivals for your birthdays! Momo really loves skinship, so she'd find every opportunity to touch you. She wouldn't understand how you're so self-conscious because she thinks you're the most adorable being on the planet! Momo would be the girlfriend to leave you little letters in envelopes hidden around the house when she's gone for long periods of time, and they'd be filled with either sweet notes, gift cards, or memories she's written down. You two would be pretty much relationship goals!


I ship you with Bom! Bom would, of course, be very nice and helpful when it came to your mental health, and she'd take care of you if at some point you couldn't. She would love your funny side, and spend hours listening to you tell jokes and stories. She's not big on horror, so anytime you guys had movie night she'd plead for a comedy or romantic film. And if you did watch a scary movie, she would hold onto you tightly, burying her face into your neck anytime a jumpscare happened.


I ship you with Jisoo! Jisoo would love to do literally nothing with you. Just laying around your apartment, staying pajamas all day and watching random movies on the TV would be enough for her. She would probably tease you a lot about being a hopeless romantic, but then you'd have to remind her that she's dating you, wherein you guys would get into the most ridiculous fight. Jisoo would be the girlfriend who's very shy about introducing you to the rest of Blackpink; she'd become a blushing and stammering mess, and she'd put her hands up to her mouth a lot. The other members would accept you, though, and the five of you would love to go shopping together!

I hope you're not disappointed with the results, and remember that this is just for fun ♡♡

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