Personality Ship (ANYM/ANYM/ANYM)

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Thank-you for requesting BOSEOKAI! I'm sorry about the wait.

Random Male Idol

I ship you with Jaehyo of Block B! Jaehyo is the sort of guy who's quite laid back and lazy himself, so he'd never be on top of you for being lazy. Jaehyo also like never yells, and if he ever did, he'd be quick to apologize for making you upset, then cuddle you. He's very big on cuddling and holding you, you'd basically become his big baby that he feels the need to care for all the time. Jaehyo is also a blunt person himself, so he wouldn't take anything you say too seriously.

Random Male Idol

I ship you with Kisu of 24K! Kisu is a softie who could easily misinterpret your bluntness, so you might have to be a little more careful with what you say around him. Kisu does, however, have a motherly nature, and would be the boyfriend to being you breakfast in bed more often than not. Kisu would also be big on praising you, especially once he knows that's what makes you feel extra special inside. He would love settling down and watching movies with you, and if you ever had trouble falling asleep, he'd sing softly to you under the warm covers.

Random Male Idol

I ship you with Hyuk of VIXX! Hyuk might not be a gamer himself, but he'd be open to trying to play with you, even though he'd probably loose a lot. He'd be a good sport about it though, and he would definitely practice in secret, in hopes of one day surprising you with his skill. Hyuk can be very vocal and baby-like, so you two might potentially get into petty arguments over something like who has to do the laundry, but in the end it would be settled by an honest game of rock-paper-scissors.

I hope you're not disappointed with the results, and remember that this is just for fun ♡♡

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