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In the street of Privet Drive lived a family called the Dursley's. They had a son called Dudley, who about a year old. Mr Dursley worked with drills. Mrs Dursley was a housewife and she looked after Dudley.

Now Mrs Dursley was, Petunia Evans before she got married to Vernon Dursley. Petunia was the eldest daughter to Mr and Mrs Evans, she had a younger sister called Lily Evans.

Lily married James Potter after they finished at Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. They were married at the age of 18 because of the wizarding war.

Lily fell pregnant at the age of nineteen, with twins. She gave birth to the twins on July 31st, 1980, a boy with black hair and green eyes, they named him Harry James Potter. The second was a baby girl with red hair and hazel/brown eyes, they named her Rosalie Lily Potter.

A year after they were born. On October 31st, 1981, a Halloween night. Lily Potter sat next to James Potter in their living room, in Godric's Hollow.

Harry was sitting on the ground playing with his toys, but little Rosalie was sitting on her mother's lap. Her mother was reading her a story from The Tales of Beedle and the Bard.

As it grew late, Rosalie fell asleep on her mother's lap. Lily picked Rosalie up and carried her to her and Harry's shared bedroom. She set Rosalie in the crib. She walked back to the living room, James was busy picking up Harry's toys as Lily went to pick up Harry.

A creaking sound was heard. "It's probably Padfoot," James said and walked to the window, he moved it out of the way, but instead of his best friend, he saw a dark cloak.

"Lily, it is Him. Take Harry upstairs, I will hold him off." James said taking out his wand as Lily ran up the stairs. She held Harry tightly to her as she stopped at the top of the stairs. "I Love you," she said as she looked at James.

"I love you too," James said and smiled at her. Lily entered Harry and Rosalie's bedroom. Rosalie was still fast asleep as she set Harry down in the crib. Rosalie moved, and her eyes opened. She moved her hands to her eyes. She sat up and stared at Lily. Harry moved closer to Rosalie and he grabbed her hand, being twins they were close.

Lily bent down in front of the crib. "Harry, Rose, you are loved. Momma loves you. Daddy loves you. Stay safe, stay strong." Lily said.

The door blew off of the door frame. In came a man wearing a black hooded cloak. "Step out of the way, girl." The man said
"Please, not Harry or Rosalie," Lily begged.

There was a bright green flash of light and Lily fell to the ground. The man turned to Harry and Rosalie, he pointed his wand at the twins.

Another green light left the tip of his wand, hitting the twins but instead of killing them it rebounded, and the man vanished all that was left behind of him was a black cloak laying on the ground.

Rosalie started calling out to her mother, but when she wasn't getting a replay she started crying and soon Harry followed. There was a scar in the shape of a lightning bolt on Harry's forehead and a scar under Rosalie's left ear.

*In Privet Drive*

An old man in purple robes and long white hair and a white beard walked down the street.

This man was Albus Dumbledore. He took out something that looked like a lighter, that muggles use to start a fire, but instead of making light it took it away. The device was called a Deluminator. He took out some of the street lights making the whole street dark, if anyone were to look out of their windows, they would not see what was going on.

He walked closer to number four when he saw a tabby cat sitting stiffly on a wall. Albus Dumbledore let out a small smile. "Should have known you'd be here, Professor McGonagall." He said and in the shadow of the cat, you could see it transforming into a person. It was an old witch dressed in green robes and a black pointy hat. She wore black glasses that sat at the tip of her nose.

"Evening Albus. Is it true?" She greeted then she asked about the events that passed. "It is," Dumbledore said as they came to a stop in the middle of the street of Privet Drive.

"What about the children?" She questioned him, her face showing concern for the safety of the children.

"Hagrid's bringing them," Dumbledore said as he looked at McGonagall. "Is it wise to trust Hagrid with something as important as this?" McGonagall asked Dumbledore. She was concerned because Hagrid did not have the best reputation when it comes to children, seeing as he usually had another way of talking with them, through animals.

"I would trust Hagrid with my life," Dumbledore said to McGonagall. A loud rumbling noise came from above. A bright light appeared in the sky approaching them. It landed on the ground in front of them. It was a motorbike. The driver was a big man. He was over maybe 10'-foot-tall, he had bushy brown hair and a beard.

"No troubles, I presume?" Dumbledore asked the man.
"No sire. Fell asleep as we were flying over Bristol." The man, Hagrid said as he picked up the children handing them to Dumbledore and McGonagall.

The two walked to number four Privet Drive. "Is it wise to leave them with these people? I watched them all day. They are the-" McGonagall said but Dumbledore cut her off.
"The only family they have," Dumbledore said. They set the children down on the doorstep of the house.

"There isn't a child in our world who wouldn't know their names," McGonagall said as she stared down at the two children, who were fast asleep. "It is best for them if they grow up away from all of that," Dumbledore said as he laid a letter down on the little girl.

"Good luck Harry and Rosalie Potter," Dumbledore said smiling down at them before the three of them disappeared. Hagrid took the motorbike back to its owner. Sirius Black.

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