Chapter 39

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Rose slowly woke up, her head was killing her and she could feel the dried blood on her skin. SHe sat up and saw Harry next to her. He was staring at something. Rose frowned and looked towards where he was looking. There was a man. 

Rose slowly got to her feet and Harry followed. "Rose, are you all right?" Harry asks her.                 "I think so, I'm not sure," Rose answered, "Who is that?" Rose asks walking closer to the man, who now stood in the middle of the field.

"I'm not sure," Harry answered. Rose looked at the man as he lifted a wand into the sky, "Morsmordre!" He shouted out and suddenly something appeared in the sky. It looked like a human skull with a snake coming out of its mouth.

As if the man sensed Rose and Harry looking at him, he turned towards them. He stood still for a moment before walking towards them. "Rose! Harry!" The voices of Hermione and Ron travelled through the air, the man stopped walking towards Rose and Harry, he stared for a few seconds before he ran off.

"There you two are, we've been looking all over for the two of you," Ron says as they came to a stop by Rose and Harry. Just before Rose and Harry could answer, members of the Ministry of Magic showed up.  They cast the stunning spell towards, Rose, Harry, Ron and Hermione but luckily the three of them ducked just in time.

"That's my son," Rose heard Mr Weasley yell at the ministry members. 'Are you four all right?" He asks and Rose nodded.

"They've been spotted at the scene of the crime," Barty Crouch says to Mr Weasley, Rose frowned not fully understanding why he would blame them. "Crime? What crime?" Harry asks. "It's the dark mark, Harry. It's his mark," Hermione says to Harry. "Voldemort? Those people tonight, they were his followers, weren't they?" Harry asks. "Death Eaters," Mr Weasley confirmed. The ministry members started to leave. "There was a man," Rose spoke up, causing everyone to stare at her.

"Where?" Barty Crouch asks her. "Over there," Rose pointed towards where she saw the man. 'Did you see what he looked like?" Barty Crouch asks her. "No, it was too dark, but he was wearing a long jacket," Rose said and Barty Crouch nodded, every member of the ministry spread out looking for the man.

Mr Weasley took them back to the portkey, where the others were waiting.  The portkey took them back to the place where they left from. The continued walking back to the burrow. As they rounded the corner the saw the Burrow coming into view.

"Oh thank goodness, thank goodness!' Mrs Weasley who has been waiting for them in the front yard came running towards them. She was still in her sleepwear with a Daily Prophet clutched in her hand. News travels fast Rose thought to herself.

"Arthur -- I've been so worried," SHe said as she threw her arms around Mr Weasley's neck. "You're all right, you're alive. . . . Oh, boys . . . " Mrs Weasley suddenly let go of Mr Weasley and seized Fred and George into a hug.

Mr Weasley finally got Mrs Weasley to let go of the twins and into the house. Bill picked the Daily Prophet up and everyone walked into the house. Mr Weasley sat at the head of the table in the kitchen and everyone else found themselves a spot, watching as Mr Weasley read the newspaper.

Mr Weasley decided to go into the office to smooth over what Rita Skeeter wrote in the article. Mrs Weasley tried to protest but Mr Weasley wasn't listening all that much.

Later that day Rose sat outside, reading and every now and then she would look up towards the boys who were playing Quidditch.

A week passed and over the week Rose noticed that Mr Weasley and Percy were almost never home. It seems that the events at the Quidditch world cup caused a little trouble for the Ministry.

The Sunday, just before they were to leave for Hogwarts, everyone sat in the living room, Ginny was busy mending her copy of  One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi with Spellotape. Percy was telling them how he's been getting Howlers and how he has scorch marks all over his desks.

Rose woke up the next morning.  Today they were going back to Hogwarts, and for once Rose just hopes that they get a quiet year and nothing like the previous three years.

Mrs Weasley took them to Kings Cross station. The rain was falling hard as they boarded the train. They found an empty compartment and sat down. 

Halfway to Hogwarts Rose decided to get dressed. "I'm going to change," Rose says and the others nodded. Harry was busy writing to Sirius.

After Rose got dressed she made her way towards her compartment when suddenly she was pulled into a compartment. Rose was about to scream when she saw who it was.

"You idiot! What did you do that for?" Rose yelled at Draco who smiled at her.                                "I'm sorry, I had to get your attention somehow," Draco says. Rose stared at him.                         

"Next time just lean in the doorway," Rose says and hugged him. Draco smiled at her as he hugged her back.  "The reason I pulled you in here is to ask if you are all right?" Draco says/asks Rose.

"I'm fine," Rose says to him as they sat down.  "Glad to hear. I was worried about you after what happened at the world cup," Draco says and Rose nodded understanding. "I'm fine, I got kicked and trampled over, but I'm fine," Rose says to Draco who nodded at her.

"I should probably get back to Harry and the other, before they notice I'm gone too long," Rose says standing up. "All right, see you at school," Draco says. Rose leaned forward and kissed him on the cheek. "I'll see you later," Rose smiled and left the compartment.

The train stopped and everyone got off, they ran to the carriages not wanting to get wet from the rain.  The four found themselves a carriage and they made their way towards Hogwarts. The carriage came to a stop in front of the big oak doors. The four ran up the stairs. 

"Blimey," Ron says shaking his head and sending water everywhere, "if that keeps up the lake's going to overflow. I'm soak -- ARRGH!" Rose watched as a red water-filled balloon drop from the ceiling and landing on Ron's head. Ron moved towards Harry just as another balloon dropped down in front of Harry soaking his shoes in water.

Rose looked up and saw Peeves the Poltergeist, a little man in a bell-covered hat and orange bow tie, his wide, malicious face contorted with concentration as he took aim again.

"PEEVES!" an angry voice yelled. "Peeves come down here at ONCE!" It was Professor McGonagall, Deputy Headmistress and head of Gryffindor House. Rose stood to the side as Professor McGonagall started to tell Peeves to come down but he kept denying that he won't be doing anything. He threw a few more balloons before McGonagall threatened to tell Professor Dumbledore.

They finally entered the Great Hall. As always it was decorated for the start of term feast. They sat at their table next to Nearly Headless Nick, the Gryffindor ghost. Harry started to talk to him when Colin Creevey appeared greeting Harry and telling Harry that his brother is coming to Hogwarts and that he hopes his brother is in Gryffindor.

Rose listened as Hermione and Harry talked about the empty DADA seat at the teachers' table. Rose wondered who the new DADA teacher could be and that he would teach them something like Professor Lupin did.

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