Chapter 19

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Ron and Harry made their way towards Hagrid's hut underneath the invisibility cloak. They arrived at the hut and knocked on the door. Seconds, after they knocked the door, swung open and a crossbow was pointing at them. Fang, the boarhound, barked loudly behind him. 

"Oh. What are you two doing here?" Hagrid asked lowering the crossbow when he saw Harry and Ron in front of him. "What's that for?" Harry asked pointing at the crossbow in Hagrid's hands.

"Nothing -- nothing -- I've been expecting -- doesn't matter -- Sit down -- I'll make tea." Hagrid hardly concentrated what he was doing, his hands were shaking as he started to pour the tea into a cup, making it overflow.

"Are you okay, Hagrid? Did  you hear about Hermione and Rose?" Harry asked Hagrid. "Oh, I heard, all right," Hagrid says as he kept glancing out the window. Just as Hagrid handed the tea to them, there was a knock on the door. Harry and Ron exchanged panic-stricken looks, then threw the cloaks over themselves and retreated into a corner. Hagrid made sure that they were hidden before he took the crossbow and opened the door. It was Dumbledore. He entered, looking deadly serious, and was followed by a second very odd-looking man.

"That's dad's boss! Cornelius Fudge, the Minister of Magic." Ron breathed out. Harry elbowed him to keep quiet.

"Bad business, Hagrid. Very bad business. Had to come. Four attacks on Muggle-born. One girl missing. Things have gone far enough. The ministry's got to act." The Minister says to Hagrid. "I never. You know I never, Professor Dumbledore, sir -- " Hagrid looked towards Dumbledore. "I want it understood, Cornelius, that Hagrid has my full confidence," Dumbledore said to Fudge.

"Look, Albus, Hagrid's record is against him. The  Ministry's got to do something -- the school governors have been in touch -- "Fudge sais to Dumbledore.

"Yet again, Cornelius, I tell you that taking Hagrid away will not help the slightest," Dumbledore says. "Look at it from my point of view, I'm under a lot of pressure. Got to be seen to be doing something. If it turns out it wasn't Hagrid, he'll be back and no more said. But I've got to take him. Got to. Wouldn't be doing my duty -- " Fudge said to Dumbledore

"Take me? Take me where?" Hagrid asked glancing between Dumbledore and Fudge. "For a short stretch only. Not a punishment, Hagrid, more a precaution. If someone else is caught, you'll be let out with a full apology -- " Fudge says to Hagrid.

"Not Azkaban?" Hagrid croaked out, but before Fudge could answer there was another knock on the door. Dumbledore opened the door. Lucius Malfoy strode into Hagrid's hut. "Already here, Fudge." He says approvingly. "What are you doing here? Get outta my house." Hagrid said to Malfoy senior.

"My dear man, please, believe me, I have no pleasure at all in being inside your -- er -- you call this a house?" Malfoy senior looked around Hagrid's hut. "I simply called at the school and was told that the headmaster was here," Malfoy said and looked towards Dumbledore.

"And what exactly did you want with me, Lucius?" Dumbledore asked the man. "Dreadful things, Dumbledore. but the governors feel it's time for you to step aside. This is an order of Suspension -- you'll find all twelve signatures on it. I'm afraid we feel you're losing your touch. How many attacks have there been now? Two more this afternoon, wasn't it? One girl missing, with no sign of where she is. At this rate, there will be no Muggle-borns left at Hogwarts, and we all know what an awful loss that would be to the school." Malfoy says as he handed Dumbledore a rolled up parchment.

"Oh, now, see here, Lucius. Dumbledore suspended -- no, no -- the last thing we want just now -- " Fudge says to Malfoy.

"The appointment -- or suspension -- of the headmaster is a matter for the governors, Fudge, and as Dumbledore has failed to stop these attacks -- " Malfoy said, looking towards the minister.

"You can't take Dumbledore. Take him and the Muggle-borns won't stand a chance. There'll be killings next." Hagrid spoke up. "Calm yourself, Hagrid," Dumbledore looked towards Malfoy. "If the governors want my removal, Lucius, I shall, of course, step aside. However, you will find that I will only truly have left this school when none here are loyal to me. You will also find that help will always be given at Hogwarts to those who ask for it." Dumbledore says and his eyes flickered towards the corner where Harry and Ron were hiding under the cloak.

Dumbledore and Malfoy left, leaving Hagrid with Fudge. Fudge mentioned for Hagrid to go. "If anyone wanted to find out some stuff, all they'd have to do would be to follow the spiders. That would  lead them right." Hagrid says in a manner of speaking, to Harry and Ron. "Someone will need to feed Fang," Hagrid said as he walked out before Fudge.

"We're in trouble now. No Dumbledore. They might as well close the school tonight. There'll be an attack a day with him gone." Ron says as they pulled the cloak off.

Harry and Ron walked out of Hagrid's hut and saw a long row of spiders walking from Hagrid's hut into the Forbidden Forest. "Come one." Harry grabbed a lamp and started to follow the spider. "What?" Ron asked, standing a few feet away from the spiders. "You heard what Hagrid said. We have to follow the spiders." Harry says and started walking. "Why did it have to be spiders? Why couldn't it be butterflies?" Ron asked as he followed Harry into the forest.

They found out from the spider, Aragog that Hagrid never opened the Chamber of Secrets, and he wasn't the beast that lives inside the castle. They barely just escaped from the spiders that were trying to eat them. 

+Next day+

Harry and Ron went to see Hermione in the Hospital wing, where they found the piece of paper she tore from the book. It explained everything about the Basilisk. They saw Hermione's handwriting at the bottom of the page where she wrote how it got around.

Suddenly McGonagall's magically magnified voice echoed through all the halls of the castle.

"All students return to their House dormitories at once. All teachers return to the staff room. Immediately please." Ron and Harry looked at one another and ran to the staff room. All the teachers stood there silently. "It has happened. Another student has been taken by the monster. Right into the Chamber itself." McGonagall looked at the staff. "How can you be sure?" Snape asked looking at McGonagall.

"The Heir of Slytherin left another message. Right under the first one. Their skeletons will lie in the Chamber forever." McGonagall said looking at everyone. 'Who are they? Which Students did it take?" Madam Hooch asked McGonagall. McGonagall looked hesitant to answer. 

"Rosalie Potter and Ginny Weasley. We did suspect Miss Potter, but it was just now confirmed, we don't know if she is still alive, but she has been in the Chamber for weeks, without any food and maybe even water." McGonagall said and looked toward Snape. Harry and Ron followed her gaze and saw Snape's grip in the armchair in front of him tighten.

Suddenly Lockhart burst into the staff room. "So sorry, what have I missed?" Lockhart asked. Snape stepped forward. "Just the man. The very man. Two girls have been snatched by the monster, Lockhart. Taken into the Chamber of Secrets itself. Your moment has come at last." Snape said to Lockhart.

"That's right, Gilderoy," Professor Sprout looked at the man, "Weren't you saying just last night that you've known all along where the entrance of the Chamber of Secrets is?"

"I -- well, I --" Lockhart did not know what to say to them. "Yes, didn't you tell me you were sure you knew what was inside it?" Professor Flitwick piped up.

"I don't recall," Lockhart said.

"Well then, we leave it you then, Gilderoy. Tonight will be an excellent time to do it. We'll make sure everyone's out of your way. You'll be able to tackle the monster all by yourself. A free rein at last." McGonagall said to Lockhart. "V-very well, I'll -- I'll be in my office, getting -- getting ready." Lockhart managed to say and left the room.

After all the teachers left, Ron and Harry made their way towards Lockhart office, only to find him packing. They held him at wand point and walked towards Myrtle's bathroom.

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