Chapter 70

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Lastly, she opened the last present

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Lastly, she opened the last present. There wasn't any letter with it so she wasn't sure who sent it. The moment she opened it she threw it across the room, and she moved back on her bed. Her back hits the board of her bed.

She stared at the box.  She stood up and slowly picked it up.  On the inside of the Box's top, there was something written.

Stay away from Draco, or you are next 

Rose stared at the inside of the box. She puts the lid back on as she started to cry. She wiped the tears from her cheeks as she sat against the wall staring at the closed box.

Laughter was heard as Lavender Brown and the Patil twins entered. Lavender stopped when she saw Rose sitting against the wall, crying.

"Rose? What's wrong?" Lavender asked kneeling next to Rose. Rose just shook her head and stared at the box. Pavarti Patil walked towards the box and kneeled down. She slowly lifted the lid and gasped as she closed it.

"What is it?" Lavender asked standing up and walking to the box. "No, don't," Parvati grabbed Lavender's arm pulling her away. "Stay with Rose, we'll go get Professor McGonagall," Parvarti said pointing between her and her sister.

The two left and five minutes later they returned with McGonagall, who walked to the box and lifted the lid. She gasped as she quickly shut it.

"You three go to Madame Pomfrey, tell her to get her things ready. Miss Patil tell her what happened, I'll be there shortly with Miss Potter," McGonagall said and Parvarti nodded as the three left and McGonagall kneeled in front of Rose.

"Miss Potter, do you know who did this?" McGonagall asked Rose, who shook her head. "Was there a letter?" McGonagall asked her again. "They told me to stay away from Draco, or I will be next," Rose said glancing towards her teacher.

McGonagall took Rose's hand and pulled her up. She led Rose towards the hospital wing, where Madam Pomfrey gave her something for the shock and led her to one of the beds to sleep. McGonagall then explained everything to Madam Pomfrey.

Someone killed Padfoot. The first real gift Rose got from Sirius Black.

For the next few weeks, Rose was hardly ever seen outside her dorm room. New years came and went. Hermione was one of the few who knew what happened since Parvati told her. Hermione had tried talking to Rose, but Rose was hardly talking.

"Harry, you should talk to Rose," Hermione suddenly said right after Harry told her about his Christmas. "Why?" Harry frowned, he was confused. "Someone threatened her on Christmas day," Hermione said to Harry who looked towards her.

"What do you mean?" Harry asked. "According to Parvati, they found her in the dorm room after breakfast, still in her pyjamas, crying with a box a few feet away from her. Parvati looked into the box and saw Padfoot," Hermione said. "What about Padfoot?" Harry asked.

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