Chapter 53

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The next morning everyone was in a rush, collecting the last few things they would need, and then they were on their way to Kings Cross

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The next morning everyone was in a rush, collecting the last few things they would need, and then they were on their way to Kings Cross. Harry and Rose were each assigned a guard, who didn't walk to close to them in case it would draw attention.

THe walked over the bridge that separates the different platform when Rose and Harry saw Sirius in his Animagus form running into an empty room.  They quickly followed.

"Sirius, what are you doing? Someone could see you," Rose said as she and Harry entered the room. "What is life without a little risk," Sirius smiled at them as he sat down on one of the benches, he had a large coat over his shoulders. 

Rose and Harry sat down next to him. He took a photograph. It was old, but Rose could see the people still smiling in it, some waving at them.

 It was old, but Rose could see the people still smiling in it, some waving at them

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"The original order," Sirius said looking down at the photo.  "That's Marlene, she died a few days after this was taken, her whole family wiped out," Sirius pointed towards a woman, "The Prewett twins, it took five death eaters to take them down," He pointed to a pair of twins that looks very much like Fred and George. "Frank and Alice Longbottom, they suffered a fate worse than death," Sirius said pointing to Neville's parents. Rose could see the resemblance.

"You keep it," Sirius said handing it to Harry with a smiled. Moody knocked against the door, signalling that it is time to go. Sirius transformed back into his dog form, and Roser and Harry followed him out.

The ran through the barrier between Platform nine and ten. Everyone got on the train, but Rose linger next to Harry and they both looked down the platform as others boarded the train. For a moment, just a flash, Rose could have sworn she saw Voldemort staring at them.

They found a compartment. "We need to get to the prefect compartment, We'll see you later, Harry," Hermione said as she, Ron, and Rose walked to the front of the train where the perfect compartment was.

Professor McGonagall sat in the compartment when she saw Rose, Hermione and Ron. "Ah, you're here," She said to them She made a gesture for them to sit down. "Professor, I have a question," Rose spoke up once she sat down. "What is it, Miss Potter?" Professor McGonagall asked Rose. "Why am I a prefect when Gryffindor already has Hermione as a perfect?" Rose asked McGonagall.

"Well, seeing as the others are not here yet. Professor Dumbledore thought it would be the best way to protect you, is to keep you close to the teachers," McGonagall said. "What about Harry?" Rose asked. "Well he hasn't been kidnapped three times over the last four years, you, on the other hand, have been," McGonagall said and Rose nodded.

The other six prefects of year five entered the compartment and Professor McGonagall stood in front of them as they sat down, Malfoy and Pansy were the Slytherin Prefects and then the Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw Prefects Rose didn't know them.

"As you all took notice, Miss Potter and Miss Granger share the title of being Prefects for Gryffindor house. The reason for this is simple, while the teachers took a vote, the two of them had a draw. Now it is the first time this has happened in the history of Hogwarts, and we are trying to see if it would work out.  Now down to your duties. They are simple, tonight after the feast you will lead the first years back to the dormitories, and tomorrow you will have a meeting to find out the rest of your duties that will be assigned to you by the head girl and head boy.  Understood?" McGonagall asked and everyone nodded.

She sent everyone back to their compartments.  They entered the compartment where Harry was in. He was sitting with Neville, Ginny and Luna Lovegood. Rose has seen her a few time around school, most people call her Loony Lovegood. Rose suppose she is a little strange, but Rose didn't know her very well so she's not going to judge her based on what people are saying about her.

"I'm starving," Ron said as they entered the compartment. He grabbed a Chocolate frog from Harry as he sat down next to him. Rose sat down next to Ginny and Luna. "Well, there are two fifth-year prefects from each House, well with the exception of Rose. Apparently, Dumbledore did it to keep an eye on her so she won't get kidnapped. Again," Hermione said sitting down.

"And guess who's a Slytherin Prefect?" Ron said, his eyes closed. "Malfoy," Harry said at once, not ever really thinking about it.

"Of course," Ron said biting the rest of his Chocolate Frog. "And that complete cow, Pansy Parkinson," Rose said viciously, "Don't know how she got to be prefect," Rose muttered. "Who's Hufflepuff?" Harry asked. "Ernie Mcmillan and Hannah Abbott," Ron said answering Harry's question. "And Anthony Goldstein and Padma Patil for Ravenclaw," Hermione said.

They joked for a while about Ron making Goyle write lines, and Hermione scolded him for wanting to abuse his power. Harry then took the Quibbler, after asking Luna of course. Hermione made comment about it being rubbish but Luna defended it seeing as her Father is the editor. 

The door to the compartment opened. Rose looked up and saw Draco. "What?" Harry asked when he saw Draco. "Manners, Potter, or I'll have to give you a detention. You see, I, unlike you, have been made a prefect, which means that I, unlike you, have the power to hand out punishments," Malfoy said.

"Yeah, but you, unlike me, are a git, so get out and leave us alone," Harry said which cause everyone to laugh, but Rose didn't laugh, not that the others didn't notice.

THe train stopped and everyone got out and made their way towards the carriage. Rose stood still in front of the carriage. They were no longer horseless. There were creatures standing between the carriage shafts; if Rose were to give them a name, she supposed she would call them horses, though there was something reptilian about them, too. They were completely fleshless, their black coats clinging to their skeletons, of which every bone was visible. The creatures looked eerie and sinister. Rose did not know what they were.

Rose and Harry tried to tell Hermione about them but they didn't believe them. Luna luckily told them that they are not going mad and that she could see them as well. That made Rose realize that only certain people can see them.

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