Chapter 18

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Rose, Harry and Ron ran into the bathroom. They were back to themselves. Ron started to hammer on the bathroom door of Hermione's stall. "Hermione, come out, we've got loads to tell you," Ron says to her.

"Go away!" Hermione squeaked, Rose frowned, something was wrong. Something went wrong with the Polyjuice POtions that Hermione drank, or it was what she added of Millicent.

"What's the matter? You must be back to normal by now, we are." Ron says. Moaning Myrtle glided towards them. "ooooh, wait till you see. It's awful." Myrtle says with a smile. SHe looked happy.  They heard the lock slide open and Hermione emerged. Her robes covered her head.

She let the robes fall. Her face was covered in fur. Her eyes had turned yellow and there were long, pointed ears poking through her hair. "It was cat hair. Millicent Bulstrode must have a cat. And the potion isn't supposed to be used for animal transformations." Hermione cried. Rose walked up to her friend and pulled her in for a hug. "Come on, I'll take you to Madam Pomfrey. She never asks too many questions." Rose says to Hermione as she picked up Hermione's robes and covered her head, knowing Hermione wouldn't want other students to see her.

As Rose said. Madam Pomfrey did not ask any questions when Rose brought Hermione into the Hospital wing. Hermione had to stay there for a few weeks, Madam Pomfrey's orders.

The new term started and every evening, Harry, Ron and Rose visited her taking her homework to her so that she wouldn't fall behind. Harry and Ron went back to the common room while Rose stayed with Hermione to tell her what the teachers were saying in the classrooms.

Ron and Harry told Rose about the diary they found in Myrtle's bathroom. It belonged to tome named T.M. Riddle. Rose went into her researcher mode after they told her, The name Riddle gave her chills so she wanted to know who it is, or was.

At the beginning of February, Hermione left the Hospital wing. Ron and Harry informed Hermione of the diary and Rose showed Hermione what she found of Riddle. She found out that he was head boy, and he got an old Medal for Magical Merit, he also received a reward for special services to the school, but it didn't say what he did.  That was all she found in the trophy room, she did hit the books but she struggled to find anything. If she just knew his full name.

Lockhart decided that the school needed a morale-booster. That's what Harry overheard him say to McGonagall. On February the fourteenth Rose walked into the Great Hall with Harry next to her, both running a bit late. The moment they entered the first thought that came to their heads was that they were in the wrong room The walls of the Great Hall were covered with large, lurid pink Flowers. That made Rose want to puke.  Which made it worse was the heart shaped confetti falling from the once beautiful ceiling of the Great Hall. 

Rose and Harry walked towards the Gryffindor table where Ron and Hermione were sitting. Ron looked as if he was about to be sick, while Hermione, on the other hand, was overcome with giggles. "What's going on?" Harry asked as he and Rose sat down wiping the table that was full of confetti. Ron just pointed toward the teachers' table. Lockhart was wearing lurid pink robes, that matched the flowers. The teachers near him looked stone-faced.

"Happy Valentine's day. And may I thank the forty-six people who so far sent me cards. Yes, I have taken the liberty of arranging this little surprise for you all -- and it doesn't end here!" Lockhart says to the students as he clapped his hands and a dozen surly-looking dwarfs entered the Great Hall. They were all wearing golden wings and carrying harps.

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