Chapter 38

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Rose, Hermione and Ginny went to sleep early the previous night, knowing that they were going to be woken up early

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Rose, Hermione and Ginny went to sleep early the previous night, knowing that they were going to be woken up early. Which happened. Mrs Weasley had woken them up first. Rose was dressed.

Rose was in the bathroom, combing her hair

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Rose was in the bathroom, combing her hair. Her mind started to wander. She looked into the mirror only to see her hair is pink. Rose stared at it in shock when it suddenly changed to white. "What the bloody hell?" Rose muttered as she walked out of the bathroom and down the stairs where Mrs Weasley was busy with breakfast.

"Mrs Weasley, my hair keeps changing colour," Rose says.

"You're a metamorphmagus." Mrs Weasley said, Rose stared at Mrs Weasley, she had an idea what the word it, because it sounded familiar as if she had read about it somewhere.

"Can I control it?" Rose asks.

"Well that you have to talk to Professor McGonagall or Professor Dumbledore," Mrs Weasley said and Rose nodded.

Rose sat down at the table, Hermione and Ginny soon joined her. About twenty minutes later the boys came down with the exception of Percy, Charlie and Bill, who were going to apparate to the place where the World Cup will be.

After everyone finished breakfast, they said goodbye to Mrs Weasley and they started their hike.

"Where are we going?" Harry asked Ron as they walked behind Rose, Hermione and Ginny.

"I don't know. Dad where are we going?!" Ron said\asked to his Father who was walking in the front.

"Haven't the foggiest, now keep up." Mr Weasley shouted over his shoulder to the two of them. Approaching a tree, Rose took notice of a man standing under it, he had a backpack on his back.

"Arthur good to see you son." A man said, greeting Mr Weasley with a handshake.

"Hello, Amos." Mr Weasley said smiling at the man. Suddenly a boy jumped out of the tree. Rose, Hermione and Ginny all glanced at one another with a small smile on their faces.

"Alright everyone this is Amos Diggory and his son Cedric." Mr Weasley said introducing the two.

They walked to an open field where there was only an old boot on the top if a small hilltop. Everyone gathered around the boot. "Alright everyone touch the boot." Mr Weasley said. They did as they were told to do. Then they started spinning.

"Everyone let go." Mr Weasley said Rose looked at him as if he was crazy.

There were a few protests but they let go. They fell on the ground. Rose tried blocking her fall with her hand but it felt as if she hurt it, hopefully, nothing bad. When Mr Weasley, Cedric and Mr Diggory landed, Mr Weasley told Rose that her wrist was sprained, but luckily it was not bad.

They walked over a hill. Rose stared at the tents in awe. There were a lot of witches and wizards everywhere. Rose never saw this many witches and wizards in one place.   

They walked between the crowd to their tent.

Hermione, Ginny and Rose began to unpack. Everyone then went and got things for the teams they were supporting. 

When nightfall came, everyone followed Mr Weasley to the seats he got for them.

Rose was walking up the steps behind Harry who was behind Hermione.

"Blimey dad, how far up are we?" Ron asked Mr Weasley who was up front.

"Let's put it this way if it rains you'll be the first to know." Sneered a voice. Rose looked down and saw Draco along with Mr Malfoy.

We were about to continue walking when Mr Malfoy's cane came in contact with Harry's shoe keeping him from moving.

"Hope you have a great year Potter it may be your last." Mr Malfoy said and let go of Harry's shoe. Harry just glared at Mr Malfoy.

Harry followed Hermione and the others. Rose  was just about to follow when she heard Mr Malfoy's voice

"Remember what I told you, Miss Potter." Mr Malfoy said, Rose looked towards Draco, then back at Mr Malfoy as she nodded.

The match ended and everyone was back in the tent. Rose, Hermione and Ginny were getting their bath things ready. They could hear Fred and George teasing Ron about loving Victor Krum, the Bulgarian seeker.

Rose laughed, but her laughter was cut off by the sound of screaming. Rose looked towards Mr Weasley confused as he stood up and walked to the tent opening. "Looks like the Irish got their cheering on," Fred commented with a laugh.

"It's not the Irish, everyone outside, quickly," Mr Weasley said, everyone ran outside, and the first thing Rose saw was men in masks, marching between the tents setting things on fire. "Everyone get to the portkey, and stick together," Mr Weasley shouted at everyone. "Fred, George, Ginny is your responsibility," Mr Weasley said as he pushed Ginny towards them.

Rose grabbed a hold of Harry's arm, in a way she didn't want to get lost in the crowd, neither did she want to lose Harry in the crowd. Rose watched as Ginny ran off with Fred and George. Rose and Harry tried to follow Hermione, but people kept pushing in between them and Hermione.

"Rose! Harry!" Rose heard Hermione screamed at them. Someone shoved Harry towards the ground and Rose followed, as she tried to stand up, someone kicked her in the head and she was knocked unconscious.

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