Chapter 11

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Year 2 

Chamber of Secrets

Rose sat in her room. She could hear the arguments from downstairs about Hedwig, Harry's owl who wouldn't keep quiet. Rose was glad that Violet was usually quiet, she only mad noise when she wanted food. 

Rose stared at her trunk that stood by her door, packed and ready to go. Hermione and her parents are coming to get her in about an hour. Rose heard a knock on her door, and Harry entered. "I wish I could come with you," Harry said as he fell down on her bed.

"Everything will be fine. I have a feeling that you will get away from here." Rose said she had this feeling that Ron was coming to get her brother. "So what are you and Hermione going to do?" Harry asked Rose, turning to look at her. "Not sure yet. We are going to Diagon Alley, to get out books, but other than that I'm not sure." Rose said.

An hour later Rose was loading the trunk into Hermione's parents' car. Rose gave Harry one last hug before she got in the car. She didn't like leaving him, but she wanted to spend some time with Hermione.

The month at Hermione's home went by quicker than Rose hoped it would. They were on their way to Diagon Alley to get their school books and some other things. Rose stared out the car window, Hermione was talking to her parents. Rose's mind started to wander. Over the summer she kept having the same dream.

A chamber under Hogwarts, a big snake in the chamber, a phoenix, the sorting hat and a boy about sixteen years of age, smirking at her. That confused her since she didn't know what it meant.

They arrived at the Leaky Cauldron, and Hermione and Rose showed Hermione's parents the way to Diagon Alley. Diagon Alley was busier than last year and Rose did not know why. They entered Flourish and Blotts. Rose went to look for her books, upstairs. Away from all the witches.

Rose looked at the books she would require for this year. 

The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 2  by Miranda Goshawk                                                                            Break with a Banshee  By Gilderoy Lockhart                                                                                                      Gadding with Ghouls by Gilderoy Lockhart                                                                                                    Holidays with Hags  by Gilderoy Lockhart                                                                                                              Travels with Trolls by Gilderoy Lockhart                                                                                                                     Voyages with Vampires  by Gilderoy Lockhart                                                                                                       Wanderings with Werewolves by Gilderoy Lockhart                                                                                               Year with the Yeti  by Gilderoy Lockhart

"Who the bloody hell is Gilderoy Lockhart," Rose muttered to herself as she looked for the books. "Well, Gilderoy Lockhart is the man who is downstairs." Came the voice of Draco Malfoy, "That still doesn't explain why we should get books with his face on each one." Rose said showing the book to Draco raising her eyebrow at him.

"I can't explain that one. How was your summer?" Draco asked, as he slowly slipped a bracelet, into Rose's pocket when she wasn't looking. "It was all right, spending most of it with Hermione." Rose said looking towards Draco as she grabbed another book, "and yours?" Rose asked.

"It was fine," Draco said. "I'll see you at school," Rose said and walked back downstairs to pay for her books. Upon walking down the stairs she saw Harry and Hermione entering. "Harry." Rose smiled and walked up to Harry hugging him. "See I told you that you would get out," Rose said.

They walked passed all the witches towards where Mrs Weasley was standing. Harry and Rose stood near the front as a wizard stepped out of the back room, Rose recognized him from the books. Gilderoy Lockhart. "Out of the way, there, this is for the Daily Prophet." A man said pushing Ron out of the way. "Big deal," Ron said, Gilderoy Lockhart and saw Rose and Harry next to Ron. 

"It can't be. Rosalie and Harry Potter." He said, diving forward grabbing their arms pulling them toward him, Rose struggled to get lose but he wouldn't have it. "Nice big smile," Lockhart said but Rose did not smile.

"Ladies and Gentlemen. What an extraordinary moment this is. The perfect moment for me to make an announcement I've been sitting on for some time. When you Harry and Rose entered Flourish and Blotts today, they only wanted to buy my autobiography -- which I shall be happy to present them now, free of charge -- they had no idea that they would shortly be getting much more than my book, Magical Me. He and his schoolmates will, in fact, be getting the real magical me. Yes, Ladies and gentlemen, I have great pleasure and pride in announcing that this September I will be taking up the post of Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry." Lockhart said as he showed stacks of books into Harry and Rose's arms. 

They got away from the crowd and Rose handed her books to Ginny. "You take these, I have my own," Rose said smiling at the younger girl. "Bet you loved that Potter." Rose glanced up and saw Draco standing on the stairs looking down at them, "Famous Harry Potter, can't even go into a bookshop without making the front page." Draco said, but he didn't bring Rose into it. "Leave him alone," Ginny spoke up and Rose smiled at the younger girl. 

"You got yourself a girlfriend, Potter," Draco said laughing. Hermione and Ron made their way over. "Oh, it'd you." Ron stared at Draco, "bet you're surprised to see Harry her?" Ron said and Rose frowned wondering why.

Mr Weasley showed up before Draco could answer telling them they should go outside.

"Wel, well, well, Arthur Weasley." Rose looked towards the door and saw a man with similar features as Draco standing there, with a cane in his hand that had a snake's head at the top. "Lucius." Mr Weasley nodded at the man. "Busy time at the Ministry. Al those raids . . . I hope they're paying you over time." Mr Malfoy reached into Ginny's cauldron and pulled out an old, battered copy of A Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration. "Obviously not. Dear me, what's the use of being a disgrace to the name of wizard if they don't even pay you well for it?" Mr Malfoy said.

"We have a very different idea of what disgraces the name of wizard, Malfoy." Mr Weasley said glaring at Mr Malfoy. Mr Malfoy looked towards Rose, whose hair was tied back showing her scar. "So, this is Rosalie Potter." Mr Malfoy stated and Rose saw Draco nodding from the corner of her eye. "She looks just as you had described her." Mr Malfoy said as he puts Ginny's book back into her cauldron and turned to Leave, with Draco following him.

After they did all their shopping. They went back to Hermione's home. Rose and Hermione got dressed in their night clothes when Rose heard something falling from her pocket. She glanced down at the floor and saw a bracelet.

"Hermione look at this," Rose said and showed Hermione the bracelet

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"Hermione look at this," Rose said and showed Hermione the bracelet.  "Where did it come from?" Hermione asked. "It fell out of my pocket, but I don't own this," Rose said. "Maybe someone gave it to you without you knowing it," Hermione said and Rose nodded. They both went to bed.

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