Chapter 37

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Rose woke up on Sunday

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Rose woke up on Sunday. After being awake for most of the night she finally got some sleep, but that doesn't mean that her thoughts were not busy. Her mind keeps wandering to the day before with Mr Malfoy. She was still confused about why he would help her.

Rose got dressed.

Walking down the stairs, Rose could hear Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon talking

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Walking down the stairs, Rose could hear Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon talking. The atmosphere was tense, Rose could sense it. It probably has to do with the fact that the Weasleys are wizards and they are coming to get Harry and Rose directly from the Dursleys hands and that makes the Dursleys uptight and irritable.

Rose entered the kitchen and she could see Aunt Petunia giving her a look out of the corner of her eye. Aunt Petunia was not pleased with Rose's choice of clothing. Rose sat down at the table and Harry soon joined them. Breakfast was quiet, the only thing that made a sound was the cutlery scraping against the plated or bowl.

After breakfast Rose cleaned up and went out to the backyard. SHe sat on the grass. Her mind started to wander again. Before she knew it, it was lunch.

"They'll be driving, of course?" Uncle Vernon barked across the table to Rose and Harry. "Er, I'm not sure," Rose says as she looked towards Harry, neither of them thought about how the Weasleys would be picking them up. "Why do you say it like that?" Aunt Petunia asks Rose.

"Well, Harry and Ron decided in out second year they would drive the Weasleys' car into the Whomping Willow," Rose says. Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon looked at Rose, confused. "What's a Whomping Willow?" Uncle Vernon asks. Rose looked at them, thinking about a way to tell them what it is. "It -- It's a tree, that hit back when feeling threatened," Rose explained but she could still see their confused gazes.

Rose just looked towards Harry who shook his head at her, in a way to tell her not to explain any further what a Whomping Willow is. Lunch ended and Rose went back to her room. The time ticked by and Rose sat on her bed reading like usual.

A quarter to five, Rose stood up and looked for Padfoot (The Cat). SHe found him curled up on her teddy bear that Sirius gave her. A thing Rose realized about magical creatures is that they don't age quickly. Padfoot was a few months old, but he still looks like the little kitten she got from Sirius. Rose picked up the travelling case for Padfoot, Reaching out to him, she tried to pick him up but he was clinging to the bear. Rose sighed and picked up the bear and put it in the case and Padfoot went back to sleep.

Rose entered the living room, her bags by the stairs so that she could easily get it. Five o'clock came and went, they didn't arrive. "They're late!" Rose heard Uncle Vernon snarl at Harry who sat on the stairs by the front door. Half past five, Dudley came running into the hall, Rose looked at him from her spot, he looked terrified. "What happened?" Rose asks. "What's the matter?" Harry asks Dudley. Dudley looked unable to speak. Rose stood up, rolling her eyes at him she walked into the living room. There were noises coming from behind the boarded up fireplace. Rose paid no mind to Aunt Petunia asking questions.

Rose walked closer, she suddenly heard voices inside the fireplace. "Ouch! Fred, no -- go back, go back, there's been some kind of mistake -- tell George not to -- OUCH! George, no there's no room, go back quickly and tell Ron --" Rose recognized that as Mr Weasley's voice. They travelled by floo network.

"Maybe they can hear us, Dad --  maybe they'll be able to let us out --" A voice said. There was a loud hammering on the board behind the electric fire. "Harry? Rose? can you hear us?" The voice of Mr Weasley asks. Uncle Vernon did not look happy, so Harry took it upon himself to explain to Uncle Vernon what it was.

Harry then started talking to Mr Weasley explaining that the fireplace was blocked up. Ron apparently showed up because Rose heard one of the twins make a very sarcastic comment to Ron.

A loud bang echoed through the room as the fireplace opened up. The Weasleys walked out, and Aunt Petunia gasps when she saw them, they all had red hair. Mr Weasley walked forward and greeted Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon, but Rose turned to the twins.

"How are the two of you?" Rose asks them.  "We are fantastic, thank you," George/Fred says to her.

"Harry, Rose got your trunks ready?" Mr Weasley asks. "Yes, mine's by the stairs and Harry's is in his room," Rose answered. "We will get it," Fred says, they walked by Harry and winked at him.

Dudley suddenly came out of the kitchen when he heard Harry's trunk being moved upstairs. He kept his back to the wall as he made his way towards Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia.

The twins came back into the room carrying Harry and Rose's trunks. The glanced at one another as they spotted Dudley. Rose could see the identical evil grins forming on their faces.

"Ah, right. Better get cracking then," Mr Weasley says once he saw Fred and George. Mr Weasley lit the fireplace then he took out a bag with floo powder. Fred was the first that had to go, but he 'accidentally' let some sweets fall out of his pocket, he picked them up smiling at the Dursleys he went into the fireplace and shouted "The Burrow!" sand he vanished. Rose rolled her eyes and went next, not wanting to see what Fred did, because she knows that it won't be good.

"Did he eat it?" Fred asks Harry once Harry appeared in the kitchen of the Weasley house. Rose was already talking to Bill Weasley, the oldest Weasley child and Charlie Weasley the second oldest.

Suddenly Mr Weasley appeared, he looked angry. He then started to go off on Fred because he dropped the sweets. Mr Weasley brought up telling Mrs Weasley which made her come into the kitchen. SHe greeted Harry and Rose before turning to face Mr Weasley.

Hermione came into the kitchen followed by Ginny, she then got Harry and Rose out of the kitchen, knowing that Mrs Weasley is going to get angry.

Before Rose left the kitchen she saw a familiar owl sitting in the window. It was Draco's owl. Rose took the letter. She hoped that it was from Draco and not Mr Malfoy.  She walked up the stairs, letter and trunk in hand she went to Ginny's room. She sat down on the mattress that was on the ground and she opened the letter.

'Dear Rose

I can't wait to see you at the Quidditch World Cup. I just wish that I could have you in my arms again, but that won't happen until we arrange something at Hogwarts. Anyways I think my father is getting on to us or me because he keeps looking at me and I heard him talking to my mother about a green dress that he wants to give as a present to someone. He also told my mother that the person was not in Slytherin but in Gryffindor and she has red hair but isn't a Weasley.

But don't mind that, I will find out what it's all about.

See you soon and lots of love


She smiled when she read the letter. She didn't hear anymore shouting so she walked down the stairs. "We're eating out in the garden," Mrs Weasley says. "Girls, can you take out the plates and knives and forks please?" Mrs Weasley asks and Rose, Hermione and Ginny nodded and did as Mrs Weasley asked. 

They walked into the garden where they saw Charlie and Bill making two table fly while crashing into one another.

By seven o'clock, the two table was filled with food that Mrs Weasley made. The talked and laughed together. Percy kept trying to make them ask about something that was going to happen, but no one did.

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