Chapter 65

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It was the last week of the holiday and Rose could not help but feel that Harry was hiding something from her

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It was the last week of the holiday and Rose could not help but feel that Harry was hiding something from her. As well as Ron and Hermione. They had seen something in Diagon Alley but they won't tell Rose what it was, no matter how much she asked.

Mrs Weasley told them the day before they would depart for Hogwarts that she wants all of their bags packed and downstairs that night since she didn't want to be rushed the next morning. Rose was still confused to what Draco's note meant, but she didn't tell anyone about it knowing that they will judge.

The Ministry sent more cars for them to use. Once they reached King's Cross, Mrs Weasley ushered them towards the barrier and through it. Ron and Hermione went to the prefect carriage, and Rose told Harry that she would find them a carriage, as he wants to talk to Mr Weasley.

Rose found a compartment and she set her trunk on the rack. Harry came just as the train started to move. Neville and Luna were with him. 

After their prefect duties, Ron and Hermione joined them and told them that Malfoy wasn't doing her prefect duties and he was sitting with the rest of the Slytherins. A third-year girl stepped into their compartment. She looked out of breath. "I'm supposed to deliver these to Neville Longbottom, Harry Potter and Rosalie Potter," The said and handed them scrolls of parchment tied with violet ribbons. "What is it?" Ron demanded and Harry unrolled his. "An invitation," Harry answered.

Rose unrolled hers and started to read.


 I would be delighted if you would join me for a bite of lunch in compartment C.


Professor H.E.F. Slughorn

"Who's Professor Slughorn?" Neville asked, looking perplexedly at his own invitation. "New teacher," Rose answered. "Well, I suppose we'll have to go, won't we?"

They walked to Compartment C and saw that they weren't the only ones to receive an invite. Rose and Harry's arrival was the most warmly anticipated, by the way of how Slughorn greeted the two of them.

Slughorn introduced them to everyone in the compartment, well except to Ginny, who they already knew. Rose wasn't really interested in the conversation going around her. She didn't speak unless she was spoken to, not that Slughorn really minded.

Slughorn took turns to question all the students, but when it got to Harry they stuck for a bit as Slughorn kept talking and talking before he moved onto Rose. He kept saying things about her, and every now and then he would mention her mother.

When they were finally allowed to leave, Rose was the first one out. She didn't even wait for Harry or Neville as she made her way back towards her compartment. 

Neville came back without Harry, and he told them that Harry had something to do.

As the train neared Hogwarts they got dressed in their uniforms. When they got off the train, there was still no sign of Harry anywhere.

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