Chapter 21

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Year 3

Prisoner of Azkaban

Prisoner of Azkaban

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Holidays. The days that Rose and Harry dread. It has been about five weeks since they got to the Dursleys. They had to do their homework in secret since the Dursleys didn't like them doing their homework. Rose usually waits until she is certain the Dursleys are asleep, then she starts doing it, but she usually locks her door in case, Uncle Vernon woke up.  

Harry and Rose, was trying to stay out of trouble, because in the first week of the holiday, Ron called them. Ron not knowing how to use a telephone shouted, and just to Harry and Rose's luck, Uncle Vernon picked it up and Ron shouted that he wanted to talk to Harry or Rose.

Ron luckily realized that he had gotten Rose and Harry in trouble, didn't call them again. Hermione hadn't called either, Rose suspects that Ron owled her and told her what happened.

Uncle Vernon allowed Hedwig and Violet out at night because of the ruckus they cause when they are in the cages. Not that her Uncle and Aunt know, but Rose lets Violet fly around during the day as well.

July 31st 

Rose woke up. She is thirteen years old today. And in a month she will be in her third year at Hogwarts School of witchcraft and wizardry. Rose got dressed. Over the last few weeks, her style in clothing did change, by a lot.

Like all her clothes she got over the years, they are second-hand clothes, that the neighbours didn't like anymore so she gave them to Rose

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Like all her clothes she got over the years, they are second-hand clothes, that the neighbours didn't like anymore so she gave them to Rose. Rose walked to Harry's room. She knew he was up til late cause she heard his quill writing. Walking in she saw Harry still fast asleep. Rose walked to his bedside and saw his History of magic textbook on the ground next to his rolled up parchment, his quill and ink. Rose quickly puts it away when she heard the heavy footsteps of Uncle Vernon. She kneeled down next to Harry and shook his shoulders. 

"Harry. Harry." Rose said and smiled when her brother opened his eyes. "Happy birthday," Rose said still smiling at Harry. "Happy birthday to you as well." Harry sat up reaching for his glasses next to his bed. "Come on, before we get in trouble. I'll start with the food while you get dressed." Rose said, standing straight and Harry nodded.

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