Chapter 10

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Harry stared at Quirrell in shock. "You!" Harry gasped still staring at Quirrell. Quirrell smiled. His face wasn't twitching. "I thought Snape--" Harry trailed off. " Severus. Yes, he does seem the type, doesn't he? Next, to him who would  suspect p-p-poor, st-stuttering P-Professor Quirrell?" Quirrell laughed. 

"But Snape tried to kill me." Harry said, "No, I tried to kill you. If Snape's cloak hadn't caught fire, I could have succeeded." Quirrell said to Harry, neither noticing that Rosalie was starting to wake up. "Snape tried to save me?" Harry questions.

'Of course." Quirrell said and turned back to the mirror, Harry tried to make a run for it but Fire sprung out around the room, stopping Harry from leaving. Rose opened her eyes, and looked up. 'I wouldn't sit up, if I were you Miss Potter." The voice of Quirrell said.

"What did you do to me?" Rose asked, ignoring what he said, she slowly sat up and touched the back of her head, feeling dried blood. "I hit you with a beaters bat," Quirrell said and stared into the mirror. "This mirror is the key to finding the Stone," Quirrell said looking in the mirror, Rose looked towards Harry, but didn't make a move to stand up knowing it would be a bad idea.

"I see the stone . . . but how do I get it?" Quirrell asked. "But Snape always seemed to hate me so much," Harry said, slowly walking down the steps, towards Rose. "Oh, he does, Heavens, yes. He was at Hogwarts with your father, didn't you know/ They loathed each other. But he never wanted you dead." Quirrell said, still staring in the mirror.

Quirrell was still muttering about the stone and Mirror. "Use the boy." A cold voice travelled around the room. Rose didn't recognize the voice. "Potter, come here," Quirrell said and Harry walked closer.  "Look in the mirror and tell me what you see," Quirrell said.

Rose watched Harry closely as he slowly reached for his pocket where there was a big lump. "Well, what do you see?" Quirrell asked Harry. "I see myself with Dumbledore. We're shaking hands. I've won the house cup." Harry said, and Rose knew he was lying.

Everything started to happen fast. Quirrell turned his back on the mirror and slowly started to undo his turban. Rose watched in the mirror and saw a face on the back of Quirrell's head. The face of Voldemort. 'Harry and Rosalie Potter." He said, "See what I have become? A mere shadow a vapour. . . Unicorn blood has sustained me, but the with the Elixir of Life  I'll have a body of my own. Now give me the stone." Voldemort said.

Harry took the stone from his pocket and made a run towards Rose, helping her up. "Seize them!" Voldemort screamed and Quirrell came running after them. Quirrell grabbed a hold of Harry but his hands started to burn. Rose and Harry looked at one another, both walked up to Quirrell and touched his face, which also started to burn. He turned to ash.

Harry bent to pick up the stone, Rose heard a noise behind them and turned to see a shadow figure, coming towards them, it went through Rose and then Harry. Both fell to the ground, the Stone laid near Harry's hand that was holding it before they lost consciousness.

Rose woke up. Looking around her she saw the hospital wing. She saw Professor Dumbledore standing by the end of her bed. "Professor?" Rose asked, as she slowly sat up. "Well, it seems you don't have a lot of questions. Not like your brother. Who is fine by the way, along with Miss Granger and Mrs Weasley." Dumbledore said. "The stone?" Rose asked.

"Nicolas Flamel and I had a little talk and he agreed that it would be best that we destroy the stone," Dumbledore said. "Professor, how long have I been here?" Rose asked. "Four days, you had a lot more injuries than your brother. You have a lot of admirers." Dumbledore said and Rose looked at the table on her right side, there were, a lot of different sweets and even some flowers.

"Who gave the flowers?" Rose asked looking at the Red roses and white lilies.

"That my dear, they will tell you in due time," Dumbledore said and Rose nodded. Dumbledore left and Madam Pomfrey came to look at her before telling her she could go.

Rose was released just in time for the year-end feast. But sadly Slytherin seems to have won the house cup. Rose smiled as she saw Ron, Harry and Hermione sitting at the Gryffindor table, with an open spot next to Hermione. Rose walked up to them and slipped into the spot. Smiling as Hermione hugged her. "How are you feeling?" Hermione asked. "All right. Madam Pomfrey told me to take it easy, and not get hurt over the summer." Rose said and Hermione nodded.

"Another year has gone!" Dumbledore's voice travelled through the great hall. "And I must trouble you with an old man's wheezing waffle before we sink our teeth into our delicious feast. What a year it has been! Hopefully, your heads are all a little fuller than they were . . . you have the whole summer ahead to get them nice and empty before next year starts. Now as I understand it, the House Cup needs awarding, and the points stand thus: Gryffindor with 312, Hufflepuff with 352, Ravenclaw with 426 and Slytherin with 472." The whole Slytherin table cheered when they heard that they had the most points. "Yes, yes, Well done Slytherin. However, recent events must be taken into account." Dumbledore said Rose saw all the Slyther's smiles fade. "I have a few last minutes points to award. To Mr Ronald Weasley for the best-played game of chess, Hogwarts has ever seen, Fifty points. Second to Miss Hermione Granger, for the use of coll logic in the face of fire, Fifty points. Thirdly to Mr Harry Potter and Miss Rosalie Potter, for pure nerve and outstanding courage, I award Gryffindor Sixty points."  They were tied with Slytherin House, Rose saw McGonagall smiling as she watched her house, " There are all kinds of courage," Dumbledore smiled, "It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends. I, therefore, award ten points to Mr Neville Longbottom." Dumbledore said and the whole Gryffindor table exploded with cheers.

"If my calculations are correct, it means we need a change of decorations," Dumbledore said, he clapped his hand and the Slytherin banners turned int the Gryffindor banners. McGonagall was beaming. Snape did not look to happy.

They received their exam marks, Ron and Harry passed with good marks. Hermione and Rose had the best grades of the first years. Suddenly their wardrobes were empty, their trunks were packed and they were on their way towards the station, where they were boarding the Hogwarts Express.

Harry and Rose stood by the door of the train, Hagrid was waving at them. The ran up to him. "Wouldn't leave without saying goodbye, would you?" Hagrid asked. 'Wouldn't dream of it." Rose said smiling up at Hagrid, who reached into his pocket and pulled out a big photo album. Harry opened it on the first page and saw a picture of their mum and dad, who was holding the two of them, the picture moved and they looked up at Harry and Rose. 

"I asked some of your parent's school friends for photos," Hagrid said. "Thank you, Hagrid." Harry smiled up at Hagrid, who shooed them off to the train.

'It's strange to be going home." Hermione said as Harry and Rose boarded the train. "We're not going home, not really," Harry said and they boarded the train.

They made turns to change out of their robes as the train grew nearer to King's Cross station. The old guard let them through the barrier two or three at a time, so it won't attrack the Muggles' attention. Harry and Ron went through together followed by Rose and Hermione.

They met up with Ron and Harry who were talking to Ron's mother. "Thank you for the sweater and Fudge Mrs Weasley," Rose said smiling at the woman. "Ready, are you?" The voice of Uncle Vernon came from behind Rose. He completely ignores Mrs Weasley.

Rose hugged Ron and then turned to Hermione. "I gave you the address, just let your parents come by and say they're picking me up. The Dursleys will be glad I'm out of the house." Rose said to Hermione. 

"I will. See you soon." Hermione said and Rose nodded, smiling as she hugged Hermione. Rose and Harry followed the Dursleys back to their car and to Privet Drive.

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