Chapter 36

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Year 4

Goblet of Fire

Rose lays on her bed

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Rose lays on her bed. The dream came again. This time she saw them clearly, Wormtail was there he was talking to Voldemort, but Rose couldn't see Voldemort there was another man as well, Rose doesn't know who he is.

A few days ago Rose and Harry received their Hogwarts letters. So she asked her Uncle Vernon to take her to London so she can go to Diagon Alley to get her and Harry's books while he finishes packing his bags for when the Weasley's comes to get them.

Rose sat up in her bed, it was early, but the sooner she gets there the sooner Harry and she can leave the Dursleys household. Sitting in her bed Rose stared at the vanity case she had in her room. She could see the resemblance she holds with her mother. The only difference it the scar under her left ear, that was red.

Rose got out of her bed and grabbed an outfit she had laid out. She went to the bathroom and showered. She got dressed.

She looked in the mirror as she fixed her hair

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She looked in the mirror as she fixed her hair. She smiled at herself.

 She smiled at herself

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Rose finished and Uncle Vernon took her to London. He dropped her off in a street, but what he didn't know is that the Leaky Cauldron was in that street. Rose entered the Leakey Cauldron. People greeted her with smiles as she smiled back at them.

Rose walked to the back of the Leaky Cauldron and walked to Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlor. Rose stopped by the door, instantly spotting the platinum blonde hair she was supposed to meet. Rose smiled as she entered and Draco glanced up and smiled at Rose who smiled back. 

Rose walked up to Draco and hugged him. "I'm so happy to see you," Rose mumbled into his shoulder. "It is good to see you as well," Draco says as the two of them sat down at the table. They sat for a while just talking and eating ice cream. People who knew them gave them strange looks but they just ignored them.

They got all of their books they will be needing for this year. Rose got Harry's books as well.

They walked passed a dress shop and Rose stopped, remembering that there was something about Formalwear on their Hogwarts supply list. "What are we doing here?" Draco asks standing behind Rose with his arms wrapped around her as she stared at the dress in the window.

    "They said on our Hogwarts letters that we should have formal wear and I can't decide if I should buy it now or at Hogsmeade when we are at Hogwarts," Rose says to Draco.

"COme on, let's go in. That way I can see your dress before the dance since we most likely won't be able to go together," Draco says and Rose nodded, Draco took Rose by the hand and pulled her into the shop. He went to the Tux's section and Rose went to the dresses. Nothing caught her eye.


When Draco got to Diagon Ally, his father followed him from a far not wanting his son to see him. Lucius Malfoy saw his son sitting in the ice cream parlor and a few moments later the Potter Girl wlks up to him. He saw his son taking the girls hand when they turned around he saw an exact replica of Lily Evans that he went to school with. He knew about Lily because she was friends with Severus Snape till Severus called her a mudblood.

If he hadn't known that Lily Evans was dead he would have thought that was her. Never the less he followed his son and the girl as they did their shopping. He watched as they walked into the formalwear shop. 


After a while of looking at the dresses, Rose felt someone looking at her. She turned around and saw Mr Malfoy. "Mr Malfoy, I didn't see you there," Rose says turning fully to look at the man.

"It's alright Miss Potter. Now I have to ask you a question and I want you to answer it honestly." Mr. Malfoy said as Rose stared up at him in confusion.

"What is the question, Mr Malfoy?" Rose asks him as she looked around to see if she could see Draco, but she didn't see him.

"What colour are your eyes?" Mr Malfoy asks her. Rose frowned at the question. "Green, why?" Rose asks confused why he would want to know.

"Don't you worry about why, now tell Draco you didn't find a dress you liked here, you'll try at some muggle shop on your way home. I'll get my wife to send you a dress that will fit you nicely and don't tell my son of this encounter," Mr. Malfoy said then walked away. Rose sated at the man as he walked away, not fully understanding why he would offer to get her a dress.

"Did you find a dress?" Draco asks, approaching Rose. "No, nothing caught my eye, but I will check at some muggle shops on my way home, maybe I will find something in one of them," Rose says smiling at Draco, who nodded and they left the shop.

They entered the Leakey Cauldron and said their goodbyes. On her way to where Uncle Vernon would pick her up, Rose kept thinking why Mr Malfoy would want to get her a dress since she suspected he would be the one to disapprove Draco and her.

Arriving home, Rose instantly walked up the stairs to Harry's room. Upon entering his room she saw him packing the last of his things into his suitcase. "Here are your books. I didn't get your tux, since I'm not sure what size I should get for you," Rose says as she sets the books into his trunk. 

"It's fine, I'll get my tux at Hogsmeade. Thank you for getting my books," Harry smiled at Rose. "So when are the Weasley's coming to get us?" Rose asks Harry as she took a seat on his bed.

"Tomorrow at five, Hermione is already there apparently," Harry says and Rose nodded. 

Later that night Rose sat in her room, staring out her window at the stars, Tomorrow they will finally be able to leave this place until school ends.

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