Chapter 48

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(A/N- This is not Rose's dress for the ball, I just thought the picture would fit since this chapter is about the ball

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(A/N- This is not Rose's dress for the ball, I just thought the picture would fit since this chapter is about the ball.)

Snow was falling thickly upon the castle and its ground now. Most fourth years are still trying to finish all the homework they received for the holiday since they don't want to get behind.

Rose sat next to Hermione in the Great hall, Ron and Harry sat opposite them. Ron was trying to hide from Fleur who was complaining about the food that the Hogwarts House-elves made for the students and teachers. SHe started complaining about not fitting in her dress.

"Hermione, Rose, who are you two going to the ball with?" Ron asked the. Ever since THe two boys found out that they have dates, they are trying to get it out of Rose and Hermione who their dates are.

"I'm not telling you, you'll just make fun of me," Hermione said. "I'm not telling," Was Rose's answer, just as an owl flew towards the table and dropped a bouquet of flowers made out of Lillies and red roses, in front of Rose. Rose smiled as she picked them up.

See you soon- A

Rose smiled as she read the note attached to the flowers.

"You're joking, Weasley," Malfoy said from behind Harry and Ron, Rose looked up and glared at him. "You're not telling me someone's asked that to the ball? Not the long-molared Mudblood?" Mafloy asked laughing.

"Hello, Professor Moody," Hermione suddenly said and Malfoy turned around, looking around wildly. Rose remembered now, Malfoy is afraid of Professor Moody because Moody turned him into a ferret.

"Twitchy little ferret, aren't you Malfoy?" Rose laughed as she said that. Malfoy looked at her and saw the flowers. "Whose taking you to the ball?" He suddenly asked her. "No one you know," Rose said standing up, followed by Ron, Harry and Hermione and the four walked to the common room.

Ron's owl delivered a letter to Harry from Sirius. Rose just needed to check if she got any letters from Sirius and Remus, which she most likely did since she hasn't checked in a while.

+Christmas Morning+

Rose woke up on Christmas day to Hermione shaking her. "I few boxes arrived last night for you, but you were already asleep so I set them by your bed," Hermione said pointing tot he boxes. Rose looked at them and saw that they were silver, which meant it was her dress and shoes from Mrs Malfoy.

Rose got dressed and made her bed before she picked up all her presents and sat on her bed. SHe took the smallest box first.

Rose, hope all is well. Sorry, I didn't answer your last letter but I have been busy trying to find some work. I got you a little something and I hope that you can wear it with whatever dress you bought. 

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