Chapter 31

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Christmas and new years passed and classed started up again

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Christmas and new years passed and classed started up again. Professor Lupin is going to teach Harry and Rose, separately, how to defeat a Dementor. Rose had her lessons on a Wednesday after dinner and Harry's was on a Thursday.

Wednesday came and Rose arrived in Professor Lupin's classroom. SHe smiled at the Professor as she set Padfoot down, she got him back about two days after McGonagall took him. Rose smiled as she watch him explore the classroom.

"What's that?" Rose asks when she saw a large case by his desk. "A Boggart," Lupin says and Rose nodded. "We'll be using him to practice on since we can't bring a real one into the castle," Lupin says to Rose who nodded understanding.

"Now the spell I am going to teach you is highly advanced magic. Well beyond Ordinary Wizarding Level. It is called the Patronus Charm," Professor Lupin says.

"I read about the Patronus Charm before. It can take different shapes, it depends on the person who casts it. I need to think of a happy memory," Rose says and Professor Lupin smiled at her and nodded.

"Repeat after me -- Expecto patronum," Lupin says and Rose repeated the incantation. Rose took out her wand and tried the incantation, a small silvery gas came out of her wand. Rose smiled.

"All right, let's try it on the dementor," Lupin says and Rose nodded. Lupin He opened the case and a dementor came out. Rose thought of the first time that Draco kissed her. "Expecto Patronum," Rose shouted out and a small silvery snake glided out of her wand. The Dementor retreated back into the case.

Rose laughed in glee as she watch her Patronus go around the room and Padfoot trying to catch it. "Well I am amazed," Professor Lupin says to Rose. "Why?" Rose asks looking toward him. "You are the first person I know that did a corporal Patronus on their first try," Lupin says to Rose.

"Really?" Rose questions and he nodded. Rose picked Padfoot up, still smiling at Lupin. "I see you got your kitten back," Lupin says. Rose nodded.

"Professor Lupin, meet Padfoot," Rose smiled, she did not notice the shocked look on Lupin's face. "Why Padfoot?" He asks. "Well, I'm not sure, someone named Padfoot gave him to me," Rose says and Lupin nodded.

January fade into February and Rose continued her lessons with Professor Lupin, along with getting to all her classes on time. She noticed that Ron was starting to get suspicious of how she and Hermione get to their classes.

Rose was in the common room with Hermione when Harry entered with his Firebolt. Rose leaned over her homework as the two boys came to apologized to Hermione, Ron went to put the Firebolt away, when he came back he shouted at Hermione that Crookshanks ate Scabbers.

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