Chapter 2

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A week passed, and Uncle Vernon finally let Harry out of the closet. Rosalie might have snuck him some of her food while no one was watching.

It was the beginning of July. A few weeks after Dudley's birthday. Rosalie and Harry's birthday is at the end of the month. Not that Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon cared about Harry's birthday, they usually ignore it, or they give him socks, while Rosalie gets a new dress.

July 2nd

Rosalie stood in the kitchen, doing her chores which were to wash the dishes. Vernon, Petunia and Dudley were sitting at the breakfast table while Harry was serving them food.

The post slot could be heard opening before closing, meaning the post had arrived.
"Dudley, go get the post," Vernon said not glancing up from his newspaper.
"Make Harry or Rosalie get it," Dudley said while eating. "Harry, get the post," Vernon grumbled. Harry stood up and went to get the post. He came back and handed Rosalie a brownish letter that had green ink on it.

Miss R. Potter
Bedroom closest to the stairs
4 Privet Drive
Little Whining

The envelope was thick and heavy. Rosalie turned it around and saw a red stamp. On it was also a logo with an 'H' and surrounding it was a lion, a badger, a snake and what looked like a raven. She started to open it when it was ripped from her hands.

Rosalie glances up and saw Petunia glaring at her with the letter in her hand." Go to your room, right now." Petunia said, Rosalie nodded and left the kitchen, not wanting to argue which will only anger her Aunt and Uncle.

In her room Rosalie sat on her bed, wondering what sort of place is called Hogwarts and why they would send her and Harry letters.

July 5th

Each day letter would arrive for Rosalie and Harry but before they could open them or take them, Petunia or Vernon would take them and burn them.
Ever since the letter started arriving Dudley grew curious about who wrote them, and he almost opened one if Vernon had not caught him with the letter.

July 10th

The day the milk arrived, Petunia had the milkman give it to her through the kitchen window, which confused the man, but he did not ask any questions.

July 15th

Rosalie stood next to her Aunt helping to make breakfast. Rosalie heard Petunia gasp when she turned towards her Aunt, she saw her Aunt breaking an egg, instead of egg yolk, it was a letter.

Rosalie reached out to grab one of the letters, when Petunia hit her with a wooden spoon on her hand, leaving a red mark. Rosalie clutched her hand to her chest wanting the throbbing pain to stop.

"Room. Now!" Petunia yelled, and Rosalie ran towards her room.

20th July

Vernon had taken a few days off from work, because two days ago when he was about to leave for work, he saw owls sitting on his car roof and letters at his feet in front of the door.

That night he made Harry and Rosalie watch as he burned the letters.

25th July

Rosalie sat in her room on her bed, reading a book. Vernon had locked her in her room because he found her feeding one of the owls with a letter in her hand.

Rosalie stood up and walked to her window. There were a lot of owls flying around outside, or just sitting on the roofs or side walk. Petunia, Vernon, Dudley and Harry were all downstairs having their Sunday tea.

Suddenly shouting could be heard from downstairs. A harsh knock sounded on her door. "Pack a bag and be downstairs in five minutes." It was Uncle Vernon. She heard the door unlock and she pack a few things before walking downstairs. When she got to the last step, she saw Uncle Vernon keeping a close eye on Harry who was eyeing the letters that were scattered on the ground of every room in the house.

On the way to the motel, they were staying at Dudley complained about not being allowed to bring his computer with him.

July 28

They stayed in the motel for three days before one of the workers told Vernon there were letters addressed to Harry and Rosalie.

They left immediately.

30th July

They were on the road for a few days before Vernon stopped, he had climbed out of the car and came back with a long bag and a bag of chips. "A nice man gave us a place to stay. He is lending us his boat to get there." Vernon said with a strange smile on his face.

*That night*

Harry and Rosalie lay next to one another on a small thin blanket that covered the dusty floors.
Harry was drawing a cake in the dust with their names in the cake. He also drew eleven candles on the top.

They turned to look at Dudley's watch on his wrist that was hanging from the couch. The time it turned from 23:59 to 00:00.

"Happy Birthday, Harry," Rosalie said smiling at Harry.
"Happy Birthday, Rosalie," Harry said smiling at Rosalie.

Suddenly a loud bang came from the door. Rosalie and Harry stood up from the ground and walked backwards till they were hiding behind the wall.

Dudley had woken up and was now staring at the door. Petunia and Vernon came down the stairs and Vernon held a gun in his hands. Petunia was clutching at his arm.

The door fell to the ground and a huge man bent down and entered. He was tall and big, with a lot of hair.

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