Chapter 73

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It has been weeks and Rose was still in the Malfoy Manor

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It has been weeks and Rose was still in the Malfoy Manor. Voldemort has decided to lock her in the dungeon downstairs, but she could still hear everything that was going on upstairs. Recently they brought Mr Ollivander into the dungeon along with Griphook, if Rose remembers right.

It was around night time when the gate opened and Wormtail entered. "He wants to see you," Wormtail said looking towards the dark corner where Rose was sitting. Rose stood up as she clutched the wall, to keep her balance. They rarely feed the prisoners, but they send a house-elf to give them water to keep them alive, but just barely.

Rose followed Wormtail up the stairs. He led her towards the dining room. Rose was still dressed in the black dress she wore to the first meeting, but it was torn and dirty. She had long since got rid of the heels she wore, now she was walking barefoot.

Wormtail led her into the room and all eyes turned towards her. Rose saw Professor Snape staring at her from his spot at the table. Draco was also staring at her. At the other end of the table at Voldemort, next to Rose was another Hogwarts Professor. Rose remembers seeing her in the school, she never had a class with the professor.

"Do you have any news?" Voldemort asked Snape and Rose turned her eyes towards Snape. "It will happen Saturday next, at nightfall," Snape said staring at Voldemort. "I've heard differently, My Lord," Another Death Eater spoke up, causing Voldemort to look towards him. "Dores the Auror has let slip that the Potter boy will not be moved until the 30th of this months," The man said to Voldemort, that was when Rose realised that they were talking about her brother. "The day  before he turns seventeen."

"This is a false trail. The Auror office no longer plays any part in the protection of Harry Potter," Snape said and then he turned to look at Voldemort again. "Those closest to him believe that we have infiltrated the Ministry."

"Well they got that right, don't they?" Another death Eater said as he laughed, a few others chuckled with him. "What say you, Pilous?" Voldemort asked another man who was staring at Nagini who was next to him on the floor. 

"One hears many things, My Lord. Whether the truth is among them is not clear," The man said. Voldemort let out a laugh. "Spoken like a true politician," Voldemort said to the man.

"Where will he be taken, the boy?" Voldemort asked Snape. "To a safe house. Most likely the house of someone in the order. I've been told that it has been given every manner of protection. Once there it will be impractical to attack," Snape said to Voldemort. 

Bellatrix cleared her throat, which made Voldemort look towards her. "My Lord, I would like to volunteer myself for this task," Bellatrix said to Voldemort. "I want to kill the boy."

The woman next to Rose let out a noise, it sounded as if she was trying to talk. "Wormtail! Have I not spoken to you about keeping our guests quiet," Voldemort said to Wormtail who nodded.

"As inspiring as I find your bloodlust, Bellatrix, I must be the one to kill Harry Potter," Voldemort said and Bellatrix looked down. 

Voldemort started talking about how his and Harry's wand has the same cores.  He walked around the table and he went to stand behind Lucius Malfoy, holding out his hand, Lucius hesitantly handed Voldemort his wand.

Voldemort made the woman next to Rose move towards them until she was hovering over the table. He started explaining that she was the Muggle Studies professor at Hogwarts. Rose started to look around, knowing that this might be her only chance to get out of here. While they are all distracted. 

Rose saw an open window to her left and started walking towards it. She climbed out and jumped, luckily it wasn't that far from the ground. She started running towards the gate that opened, as soon as she was outside she disapparated to the first place that came to her mind.

For a week Rose has been on the run. Every time she thinks she is safe there were Death Eaters right behind her.  Rose was in the middle of a field when she heard something behind her. She turned and saw a man staring at her. He started to smirk as he lifted his left arm and rolled up the sleeve. Rose gasped.

She closed her eyes and thought of The Burrow. She landed in the water. She looked around her and saw the Burrow in the distance, she started walking towards it.  She heard people talking, a lot of them.

She stumbled into the clearing where the house stood and everyone turned to look at her. Rose looked around at everyone, before she dropped to the ground, passed out from exhaustion.

Everyone stood in the living room of the Weasley house. "Do you think  it is really her?" Hermione question as they all stared at the red-haired girl on the couch. "We will see in an hour. If they too polyjuice potion then we will know, if not then we will just have to question her," Remus spoke up and everyone nodded.

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