Chapter 78

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Hermione looked up when she finished reading the story

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Hermione looked up when she finished reading the story. Mr Lovegood realized that Hermine finished reading the story, he looked at them. "Well, there you are," Mr Lovegood said, but Rose looked at him confused. "Sorry?" Rose questioned the man who sat in front of them. "Those are the Deathly Hallows," Mr Lovegood said but everyone just stared at him still confused.

He stared at them, he then picked up a quill from a table next to him and pulled o torn piece of parchment from between a few books. "The Elder wand," He drew a straight vertical line upon the parchment. "The Resurrection Stone," He added a circle  on top of the line. "The Cloak of Invisibility," He finished enclosing both line and circle in a triangle, to make the symbol that so intrigued Hermione. "Together, the Deathly Hallows," Mr Lovegood said to the four of them.

Mr Lovegood stood up to go make them more tea. Once he left the room the four of them looked at one another. "I am nor drinking anymore of that tea," Ron spoke up once he was sure Mr Lovegood was out of sight. The others agreed.

They walked down the stairs that Mr Lovegood walked down. They saw him standing looking out the window. "You forgot the water,"Hermione spoke up, which made Mr Lovegood give her a strange look. "For the tea," Ron elaborated and Mr Lovegood took the tea pot and Started to fill it with water.

"mr Lovegood, we have to be on our way," Rose spoke up which made Mr Lovegood turn to them. "No you can't" Mr Lovegood said and they gave him a confused look. "Mr Lovegood, where's Luna?" Hermione asked when she notices that Mr Lovegood was starting to act strange. "They took her. They really want you two," Mr Lovegood said looking at Rose and Harry. "Who took her?" Hermione asked. "Voldemort," Just as the name slipped past Mr Lovegood's lips, Death Eaters started to attack.

The Four dropped down to the ground and crawled towards one another. They touched hands and Hermione apparated them away. They landed in a forest. Ron made a comment about Mr Lovegood being insane, but Rose understood why he did what he did. He just wanted his daughter back.

Ron suddenly stops in his track as a snatcher appeared from behind a tree. "There you are pretties," The snatcher spoke looking at Rose and Hermione. When they turned around they saw more snatchers. They started to run past the snatchers. "Get them," The leader of the snatchers said and Rose heard the snatchers starting to follow them.

They ran, but then they were surrounded. Hermione shot a spell at both Harry and Rose, which made their face swell up, making them unrecognisable. The Lead snatcher saw the scars on Rose and Harry.  "We're not taking these lot to the Ministry," The Snatcher said, they apparated them and Rose instantly recognized the manor they were walking towards.

It is the Malfoy Manor.

Bellatrix came to the gate to inspect what the snatchers brought for them. The Snatchers escorted them into the manor. Mr Malfoy forced Draco to tell them if it was Harry and Rose or not. Rose could see that Draco recognized her and Harry. "What happened to their faces?" Draco asked them. "Yes, what happened?" Bellatrix asked turning to the snatchers. "Don't know, might have been something they ate," The snatcher answered Bellatrix, but Bellatrix didn't trust them. "Or maybe the little missies did a spell, give me their wands," Bellatrix said, but when  the snatcher was about to give her the wands, she saw the sword of Gryffindor. "Where did you find that?" Bellatrix questioned.

"Found it in one of the girls' bags. Recon it is mine now," The snatcher said but Bellatrix attacked him. Take the boys to the Dungeon, we're going to have a talk, girl to girl," Bellatrix said. "Cissy hold her," Bellatrix said pointing towards Rose while Bellatrix took Hermione.

The two boys were taken to the Dungeon while Bellatrix held Hermione to the ground questioning her about the sword and what else they took from the vault. Rose felt her face slowly going back to normal. "It seems we caught Rosalie Potter," Bellatrix said once she saw Rose's face. Mrs Malfoy was holding Rose at wand point. Her wand was at Rose's throat.

Suddenly the two boys came up the stairs. Bellatrix grabbed Hermione by the throat and held her there. There was a sound of something being loosened. Everyone looked up at the chandelier. On the Chandelier sat Dobby, he was busy loosening the screws. The chandelier started to fall, Bellatrix let Hermione go and moved backwards. Everyone else also moved backwards but Ron ran forward, grabbed Hermione and pulled her towards him. Rose broke free from Mrs Malfoy and moved towards where the others were standing.

"How dare you betray your masters," Bellatrix shouted at Dobby. Dobby stood proudly, holding the wands of some of the Malfoy family in his hand. "Dobby has no master. Dobby is a free elf and Dobby came to rescue Harry Potter and his Friends," Dobby said and then he apparated them away.

They landed on a shore, Rose could smell the salt water. She sat up and het hands touched the wet sand. She looked around and saw Dobby slowly walking towards where she and Harry were. Harry was telling Hermione, who was in Ron's arms that she was all right and she was save.

"Harry Potter," Rose heard the soft voice of Dobby behind them. They turned and saw him slowly walking up to them. His tiny hand covering his stomach. "Dobby," Rose and Harry said and they rushed towards him. The knife that Bellatrix threw hit him. Harry caught Dobby just before he fell on the ground. Harry took the knife out and set it on the ground next to them.

"It's okay. You're okay. Hold on," Harry held onto Dobby, as he tried to stop the bleeding. Rose was already crying as she sat next to the on the sand. "Hermione, Rose, do you have something in your bags?" Harry turned towards the two of them but they both shook their heads.

"Such a beautiful place, to be with friends," Dobby said and it made Rose cry even more. "Dobby is happy to be with his friends." Harry hugged Dobby closer to him. When he pulled away Dobby had his last breath. "We should close his eye. That way he could be sleeping," Luna said sitting next to the on the ground. She closed his eyes. "I want to burry him. Properly. Without magic," Harry said and Rose agreed. Harry dug the grave with the help of Ron while Rose and Hermione wrapped Dobby in white cloth. They made him a headstone that read : 

                                                         'Dobby - A Free Elf
                                                         Died protecting his friends'

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