You're a Joke.

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(Picture is Lea)

I had my back turned to the group as I scrolled through facebook on my laptop. As much as I wanted to join them in their childish drinking games, I didn't want to do so without an invitation. I've only known them a couple hours and didn't want to impose. If I got off on the wrong foot now, all of my chances to be included in the future would be thrown out the window.

So, I pretended to mind my own business as they chatted. All I knew was that they'd moved to the floor, formed a circle, and turned the music down. I learned that the unknown boy was Calum and the girl was Cass. There were too many conversations for me to keep track of. As I scrolled past the same post of a dog blowing bubbles in a pool that everyone keeps sharing, I let out a quiet sigh.

"Val," Lea called out, causing me to stare down at her. I was sitting on my bed with a taller viewpoint. "Come sit with us." She patted the empty space in between her and Luke. Why they chose to sit on the hardwood floor rather than the bed is beyond me.

"Oh... I don't want to intrude." I smiled lightly, trying to seem calm and collected. In reality, I could hardly contain my excitement because this is exactly how I wanted this roommate situation to play out.

"Please! We want to get to know you!" With a small nod, I climbed off my bed and filled in the gap in the circle. I noticed that the bong was on Lea's desk and it'd been replaced by a bottle of cupcake-flavored vodka.

"Okay," Lea spoke as she grabbed a sleeve of plastic cups from under her bed and took ahold of the vodka. "The game is Never Have I Ever." She began to fill the cups half full and passed them out. "Do you know how to play?" she asked me. With a heated face, I shook my head and Luke scoffed next to me. "It's easy. Someone says something that they've never done and if you've done it, then you take a drink." She motioned to the cup in front of me. The game seemed extremely trivial and childish, but I didn't want to reject their offer for me to play. I was worried that if I did, they wouldn't invite me along ever again.

"I don't think I'll be very good at this game," I explained, embarrassed. "I haven't done many interesting things."

"God, I bet you twenty bucks we're playing with Mother Theresa," Luke said, causing me to send him a rude look before rolling my eyes.

"Why don't you start, Luke?" Lea prompted as the group lazily grabbed their cups. I followed the crowd, wrapping my small fingers around the cup and sitting up straight.

"Never have I ever gotten an STD," Luke spoke.

"Yeah, right!" Ashton said, making the rest of the group laugh. I kept my mouth in a hard line as I looked around the room, watching as Cass took a long drink, causing Lea to laugh.

"It's gone, just so you know," she rolled her eyes.

"Never have I ever experimented with the same sex because I was curious," Calum said next and I saw Michael, Lea, and Cass all take drinks.

"Never have I ever done coke." Cass looked directly at Luke as she said it and he was the only one to take a drink.

"Never have I ever watched porn with someone else," Ashton said with a laugh. When Michael and Lea took sips with red faces, we all laughed along.

"Never have I ever had sex with more than one person within 24 hours," Michael said: Luke, Calum, Cass, and Ashton took drinks.

"Never have I ever done anal." Lea smirked. "And that includes sticking it in, too." She warned, glancing around the group. My face burnt up at the thought. Luke, Ashton, and Cass took long drinks.

"Um..." I mumbled as the group stared at me. There were a million things I could say: I've never kissed anyone, I've never snuck out past curfew, I've never smoked a cigarette. "Never have I ever..." I began. Maybe I should stick to something simple. Something about breaking a bone? No. Getting on a plane? No. Driving a car? No. Moldy food? Well, not my best, but I guess it'll have to do. "Eaten a moldy piece of food." As soon as I finished my phrase, I realized how stupid it was compared to the others. Calum took a drink as Luke laughed smugly.

"This is bullshit, she hasn't taken a drink all game," he blurted out.

"Well, then maybe we should all stop being such horrible people," Lea joked, lightly jabbing me with her elbow. "Let's play the question game instead." She offered before turning to me. "You get asked a question and you can choose to answer it or take a drink." I nodded slowly, staring down at my cup. I wanted to drink it, I really did, but I didn't want to tell them things that aren't true. Though I wanted them to like me, I also wanted to protect my image.

"Okay... Cass, what is the kinkiest thing you've done?" Lea asked.

"This guy I knew was pretty into feet." She shrugged. "Oh, or that time with bondage." I couldn't stop my eyes from widening. I didn't know people really did that... I thought it was a joke. How could someone enjoy being tied up and humiliated? Although, I guess I don't know much about the kink, so who am I to judge? "Ashton, out of all the people in the room, who do you want to make out with most?" Cass shot back.

"Oh god..." He stayed silent for a few moments. "Gonna have to go with Val on that one." He sent a wink my way, and my face felt hot. Luke choked on a laugh, but I didn't understand what was so funny about Ashton wanting to kiss me. "Michael, who do you think is the sluttiest person in the room?" Light chuckles emitted.

"Sorry... But Luke." I couldn't help but glance at the boy who sat next to me, who merely shrugged, clearly not caring what his friends thought of him. "Val, how many people have you fucked?" My eyes widened at his brash choice of words. I debated not answering.

"I have a purity ring," I stated with a small smile, holding up my left hand to show off the jewelry, earning yet another laugh from my right.

"Why do you keep laughing at me?" I huffed.

"That's your question? Really? You don't have anything better?" He teased, earning a glare from me. His eyes burned into me for a few moments before he leaned forward. "Because you're a joke." His voice lowered, but was still clear enough for the entire group to hear. I hadn't noticed his Australian accent in the previous times he spoke, but I found it extremely irritating once I did. Who would give up Australia for Florida?

Rolling my eyes, I looked away from him and pretended like I didn't care about his opinions or rude comments.

"Calum, what's the most you've masturbated in a day?" Luke spoke in a dismal tone, picking at the holes in his worn out denim jeans. Calum scratched the back of his neck.

"God, I don't know... Four?" The answer came out as more of a question. "I wanna know more about that purity ring." He turned to me and I gave him a small smile before picking up the cup and drinking. It wasn't the first time I'd tasted alcohol, but it was definitely the first time I'd had some that strong. Usually it was red wine at church and white with dinner. I tried to hide the sour expression on my face. "Fine." Calum sighed. "Lea, how long did you make Michael wait before you fucked?" My purity ring wasn't something I liked to talk about. Mostly because I was always made into a joke, or so Luke says, because of it.

"Maybe like a week." She shrugged, and the game ended.

"I never saw you at any parties last term." Cass mentioned to me.

"Oh... Um... Yeah I don't have many friends, so..." My voice trailed off and I prayed she didn't see my embarrassment or through my lie: I don't have any friends at all, at least not here. Back home, I had a few good friends from school and church.

"You should totally come with us tonight." Cass offered. "The boys have a great frat house-" she began, but was cut off quickly.

"Speaking of which, we should get back and help set up," Calum said, and the other three stood to follow him.

"See you tonight, babe." Michael rasped, making me look away with an uncomfortable feeling as he kissed Lea.

"You should come." Cass repeated.

"It'll be so fun!" Lea agreed. "And I think Ashton likes you." She winked and I blushed.

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