What About Pretty Boys?

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 Lea and I walked across campus, the wind whipping around my body made me thankful that I was able to change Lea's mind. I was also thankful that she'd accepted her loss and zipped up her jacket to prevent her from catching a cold.

"Where are we going?" I ask as we turn down a street, stopping in front of the bus stop.

"Oasis," she pulls out her phone and checks the time. "It's a bar," when she sees the worry on my face, she merely laughs. "They don't card," she tells me as the bus pulls up. I follow her on and she finds a set of seats in the far back, flicking off a drunken man as he whistles at us. "Don't worry," she whispers, her hand finding mine. "We'll be okay," I don't understand why she says this because I wasn't phased by the man. I thought for a second that she was the one who was worried, but the smile on her face made me unsure.

The bus stopped four times in the span of time we sat there, and finally, we got off.

"It's just about a block and a half down," she tells me and crosses the street. I'd never been into the strip of bars as I'd never had anyone to go with. I followed Lea silently, ducking into the small, crowded space with her. She took a minute, standing in the doorway and scanning through the crowd before grabbing my hand and pulling me to the bar. We took seats next to Michael, Calum, and Ashton.

"Let me buy you a drink," Ashton smiled at me, flagging the waiter down. "Can I get a Sex on the Beach and a rum and coke?" The accent I'd questioned earlier was clear. Ashton winked at me, sliding a light orange drink toward me. I gave him a small smile picking up the cold drink and bringing it to my lips. I felt like the Sex on the Beach was a bit inappropriate, but I didn't comment on it. Ashton's eyes didn't leave me. A smirk appeared once he took a large gulp. His pink tongue slid out to wet his lips. "You like it?" He asked.

"Yes, thank you," my voice was low and I'm unsure whether he heard me.

"You look amazing," his eyes raked down my body, "Love the outfit," I simultaneously thanked Lea and regretted the outfit. I felt much too exposed.

"Thank you," my face burnt.

"So, what's your major?" Ashton asked.

"I'd like to major in Creative Writing and minor in English Literature," he stares at me while I take a long drink. It's so sweet yet so bitter and I could easily see myself having one too many of these and getting drunk. Maybe that was his intention. I narrow my eyes at him. "What about you?" His lips tugged into a smile.

"Education and Music," Ashton didn't strike me as the type that wanted to teach. He lifted his rum and coke, taking a sip.

"Do you do covers in your band?" I ask in hopes to keep the conversation light.

"No," he laughs. "We write our own music, babe," I tensed with an uncomfortable feeling as the pet name left his mouth.

"Maybe you could help us write some," Calum brought himself into the conversation. "Being an English person and all," I felt my face heat up, Calum's accent was just as thick as the other boys', if not more.

"Oh... I don't know," I muttered, taking a long drink.

"How have your days been?" Was that the proper thing to say? I wasn't sure how to do this whole bar stool conversation.

"Just a lot of cleaning up after the party," Calum shrugged. His drink was clear, I was unsure what is was, but I could smell it on his breath as he took the seat on my other side. I was now wedged between the two, taking a sip of my fruity drink in hopes to seem less uncomfortable.

"I slept all day before I realized it was Saturday and almost missed my own gig," Ashton's smile beamed and I couldn't help but laugh.

"We don't need you anyways," Calum joked along with him.

Pretty Girls   ⇼ Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now