Do You Know?

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"Valerie," Luke whispered, his fingers tangling in my hair as he ran his fingers through the knotty strands. I let out a soft groan, burying my head further in his chest. His body vibrated from a laugh while his hand moved from my hair and to my back. "Wake up, baby." His voice was low and raspy. He began rubbing circles in the fabric of my shirt. His other hand found its way to the hand I had set on his chest. He picked it up, bringing it to his lips and placing a delicate kiss on each finger.

"My hand is so cold." Luke chuckled, removing his hand from my back and pulling the blanket over my shoulders. His hands rubbed against mine as he blew hot air on them. I couldn't help but laugh, finally lifting my head up to look at him.

"Your hair looks absolutely ridiculous," he teased, causing me to laugh and swat his chest.

"Well, that's what you get when you wake me up too early. Can't we sleep in just a little bit more?" My head fell back on his chest. Why am I so tired?

"Baby, it's already noon." My eyes shot open and I jumped out of bed.

This is probably the only time that I've ever been excited to sleep with Luke in my twin sized bed, and it came with me being late in the morning.

"What's wrong?" Luke asked as I pulled my hair into a ponytail.

"I'm late," I muttered, running around and shoving things into my backpack.

"Late for what?" I didn't even notice him getting up and following me, only dodging around him to find what I needed. "Baby." I didn't answer, too consumed in the rush. "Baby!" he repeated with a laugh, catching hold of my waist and turning me around.

"Luke, I can't do this right now. I'm very late!" I ran a hand through my hair, ignoring the bumps and stray hairs I missed. God I must look awful. "I hate being late." I brought my hands down, rubbing my eyes.

"What are you late for?" My panicked state didn't seem to worry him, he still had a smile drawn on his lips.

"I need to be at the train station at twelve-fifteen to get on my twelve-thirty train so I can be at my mom's by four-thirty for dinner at five with my family and-" I rambled, suddenly stopping and looking down at my pajamas. "God, I can't wear this! I can't even have my hair like this! My mom will freak out!" Luke smiled at me as I wriggled out of his grip and rushed to the mirror, pulling my hair down and attempting to make it look decent.

"It's okay, Val-" I cut him off.

"No, you haven't met my mom. You have no idea how strict she is about our appearance." Again, Luke spun me around, pressing my back against the closet door.

"But I could..." His voice trailed off. "Meet your mom." I stopped dead in my tracks, setting my bag on the floor.

"Luke-" I began, but was cut off.

"I could drive us... Then, you'd have time to get ready." I couldn't tell if he was serious, so I cocked my head.

"I can't tell if you're being serious," I confessed as he set a hand on my cheek, allowing me to lean into his touch.

"I am. I mean... You already know that I want to meet your parents... Maybe now is the perfect time." Maybe I shouldn't overthink this. If I didn't give mom any warning, she wouldn't be able to overthink it either. That's how I need to introduce Luke, right? Without any warnings. Would that be horrible of me? No... Mom does want to meet Luke, afterall...

"On one condition..." I told him, a smile playing on my lips. Luke raised his eyebrows, waiting for me to continue. "You have to bring Petunia so she can play with Parker and Warren." Luke laughed before nodding.

Pretty Girls   ⇼ Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now