Want You Back.

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Monday, the day I've been dreading. I've avoided class with Luke for a week and now, I had to face him. I couldn't escape any longer. I was grateful that the only class I have with him today was Literature and Power, a class I also had with Mandy. She'd protect me, right? She has to. So, I did what mom always taught me to and took a long shower—curling my hair and applying makeup before putting on a white button-up blouse and a lilac skirt. Mom always told Gene and I to act like other people's opinions don't matter so that one day, they won't.

But today isn't that day and I know what everyone thinks about me. The girls look at me with pity, probably wishing that they told me Luke's secret before he ruined my reputation. The boys looked at me with lust, wanting me because I broke Luke's heart. But he broke mine, too. Were girls looking at him the way boys looked at me? Would Luke give into them? Should I care if he did? No, I probably shouldn't, but I can't help but miss him and with we were still together: Still happy and spending all of our free time with each other.

I stopped in the coffee shop before class, waiting patiently for my drink before I felt a hand on my shoulder. Before I could turn around myself, I was forced to meet eyes with Cass.

"Val," she spat out and I gave her a small smile, though I wasn't happy to see her at all.

"Cass," I said right back.

"I want you to leave Luke alone." Her demeanor completely changed as she glared down at me.

"I've been leaving him alone. I wish he'd do the same to me." I rolled my eyes, unable to stop myself. After all this time, she just appears and tells me to get lost?

"Then why won't he fuck me?" I was taken back by her language, but shrugged nonchalantly.

"I don't know. Maybe you should ask him yourself instead of hounding me down." I couldn't stop my anger from boiling up as I grabbed my coffee from the counter.

As I walked away, Cass followed me outside.

"This is all because of the video, isn't it?" she asked and I held my breath as I turned back to her.

"Yes, Cass. It's because of the video. I broke up with him because of the video he took of me. He's upset because of the video." I ran my free hand through my hair as Cass' brow furrowed.

"Not that video, dumbass." She crossed her arms and I cocked my head.

"What video, then?" I badgered, suddenly feeling the need to know what she was talking about. Did he take more than one video? If he did, I'd be devastated. Even more than I am now.

"You haven't seen it?" she asked, her face lighting up with humor.

"No?" My voice came out as more of a question and Cass just laughed.

"That's... Hilarious. All that hard work for nothing." With that, she flipped her hair over her shoulder and walked away, leaving me confused.

I got to Biology early, but stopped in the hall when I heard Calum and Mandy's voice. I knew it was wrong to eavesdrop, but I wanted to know if they were talking about the video that Cass brought up.

"Calum, that's seriously fucked up!" Mandy's voice was low.

"I know, babe... But... Luke doesn't let his feelings show and it was a rare moment, so we just went with it." Calum explained himself as I chewed at my bottom lip.

"When Val sees it, she's going to be so upset!" Mandy growled.

"Then don't show her," he spat back and I'd heard enough, walking into the room before either of them could speak again.

Pretty Girls   ⇼ Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now