So in Love.

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Luke and I were sitting in a quaint restaurant. He'd gotten us a nice table near a window that overlooked a view of the beach. We watched as the mothers played with their children and the tourists splashed around in the water as the sun slowly set. His arm was outstretched over the table, his fingers intertwined with mine. We ate in the most comfortable silence, both enjoying the beautiful view of the sun slowly descending, casting it's glow onto the water. For a while, he stared out the window too, but then he started to look at me.

"What?" I asked with a small laugh, finishing my dinner shortly after Luke finished his.

"Nothing." A smile crept on his lips as he looked back out the window.

"Tell me!" I urged, squeezing his fingers tighter and he laughed. The mood was so light, that it felt like we'd never had a single fight in the entire time we've known each other. After being honest with my feelings last night, I just felt so free and open. I felt so in love.

"It's too cliche." He pushed the subject aside, unlocking our fingers so he could pull my hand to his lips, pressing a light kiss against my knuckles. "I don't want to lose my macho-man status by being cliche." I laughed, shaking my head.

"Oh, we wouldn't want that!" I played along and now, he was laughing. He threw his head back, a loud chuckle leaving his lips. That sight was so beautiful, so childlike, that all I wanted to do was spend every waking moment with him for the rest of my life.

"I was just thinking that..." His voice trailed off, a small sigh escaping as his beautiful blue eyes met mine. "Fuck, Val. You're so beautiful and kind and amazing. You have no idea what you do to me. I'm so in love with you." The confession released the huge grin I'd been holding in. So large, I must have looked ridiculous.

"I've been thinking the same thing," I whispered. He reached across the table, his deft fingers pushing strands of hair behind my ear before his large hand settled on my cheek. My eyes fluttered closed at the touch. It was so simple, yet it made me feel so alive. My eyelashes fluttered against his thumb and when I opened my eyes back up, he withdrew his touch.


If someone told me that this is where I would be at the end of my sophomore year of college, I'd laugh in their face. If someone told me that I would be sitting in front of Valerie, someone I hated the second I laid eyes on her, and that Valerie would have opened up the lock around my heart, I'd tell them to fuck off because they couldn't be serious. But here she was, here I was. As crazy as it seems the someone like me, someone with a bad temper who used women and put them through so much pain, could ever be in love. But fuck, I'm so in love with her.

I love everything about her; from the way she scrunches her nose when she laughs, to the way she always sits up straight, to the way she plans her classes around her life rather than vice versa, to all the stupid posh outfits she wears, and the way her hair is always neatly trimmed and done up. I couldn't even sit here and list all the things I love about her because it would just take too damn long. Even if I did, I would never capture it all. There are too many things, an infinite list. I love every single thing about her and more.

And here she is, talking away, but I'm not listening. I'm too focused on the way her smile is lighting up her face. All I can think about is how beautiful she looks. Maybe she's talking about her passion for writing, or a new story she's working on. Maybe she's talking about her nephew, or her dog. Either way, I don't know. It's not that I don't want to listen to her talk—because her voice is the sound of angels and I could listen to it for days on end—I just can't get over the lovely girl in front of me. I can't wrap my head around the simplicity of her beauty.

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