Make it Better.

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I was still on Luke's lap by the time Lea came in with Michael. They stopped dead in their tracks as soon as they saw us and I tried to climb off of Luke, but he held me in place, his long fingers twirling the ends of my hair.

"Did we miss something?" Michael asked as they sat on Lea's bed.

"Just a shitty party," Luke mumbled, hardly loud enough for them to hear.

"Yeah, we thought you'd still be there," Michael started to pack a bowl before checking the time on his phone. "It's only midnight. Why are you back so early?" Luke shrugged.

"We didn't want to stay," he snapped and my body tensed against his. He noticed and took a deep breath and calmed himself down, drawing circles in my back. "It was lame," his voice returned to the calm state. I didn't understand how he could switch moods so quickly.

"Alright, geez," Michael grumbled, taking a hit off the bowl before passing it to Lea. She tried to pass it off to Luke, but he shook his head.

"I'm not doing that shit anymore," she passed it to me instead and I took a small hit before handing it back to Michael. I was glad that our room was so small that I didn't have to get up to pass it along. Luke rolled his eyes at my action, but didn't say anything.

I found myself feeling guilty for taking the hit in front of Luke. when he said he'd stopped smoking, I thought he only meant cigarettes. The next time Lea tried to hand it off to me, I shook my head and she gave it to Michael instead. I felt uncomfortable sitting on Luke's lap in front of Lea and Michael, but Luke seemed completely at ease and continued to play with my hair. Lea must have sensed the awkward tension, too, because she played music so we couldn't hear their conversation. I was sure they were exchanging inappropriate jokes from the way they were looking at each other. Their body language oozed lust. I leaned my body further into Luke's and his grip tightened around me.

"Petunia likes you," Luke told me, his voice low as if he was sharing a secret. I couldn't help but smile. Despite how shitty the night had been, I was glad that our fight had been resolved.

"I like Petunia," I giggled. "She's such a sweetheart!"

"Yeah, you should see her when I've been at class all morning. She practically tackles me," I couldn't help but think about Luke sitting on the floor with her, rubbing her belly until his wrist cramped up. The thought warmed my heart.

"Do you leave her alone often?" I asked without knowing why.

"Nah," he shrugged. "I can't bear it," a small smile appeared on his lips and all I wanted to do was kiss him. I would have if we were alone. "Do you want to stay with me tonight?" I lifted my head from his shoulder to look at him.

"I have to get up early, I don't know,"

"I doubt you'll get any sleep with these two going at it," he was right. I glanced over to see them making out and I couldn't help but laugh.

"But what would they think? If I left with you?" He shrugged.

"I don't care,"

"I need some time to pack clothes for tomorrow," I caved in and he grinned.

"I'll bring the car out front. Come down when you're ready," he gently lifted me off his lap as he stood. I gave him a quick nod as he exited the room without saying goodbye to the couple. As soon as he left, I stood to pick out an outfit.

"I thought you two hated each other," Michael spoke as I searched through my closet.

"We do," I didn't look at him. "Sometimes," I added, feeling guilty. Today, we got along great... Well, for the most part.

Pretty Girls   ⇼ Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now