You're Lucky I Don't Kill You.

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For a while, the girls and I sat on the couch of the living room, talking as the boys socialized and thanked everyone for coming to the party and their show. I couldn't find Luke in the crowded house, but I was too ashamed to look for him. I'd already gotten questions from the girls as to why it took so long for us to get there, and my blush was the only response they needed. Though they questioned further, and though I hadn't answered those questions, I knew that they knew it was due to some sort of sex act. So, I tried my best to look like I hadn't done anything dirty. I knew that going off to find him would only raise more suspicion.

After an hour, I found myself alone on the couch. I didn't feel misplaced like I did at my first party, I only felt bored. I kept turning my cup in my hands, watching the alcohol swirl around. The girls all left to find their boyfriends. I considered doing the same, but I knew Luke would return to the place he left me. I didn't want to stray from that place in fear that I'd never find him.

This party was different from all the others. I recognized a lot of the people from the bar and from Luke's frat, but most people I'd never seen before. I was nervous to be surrounded by all the drunk men I couldn't name and all the drunk girls who screamed over the music. From where I sat, I recognized only Cass—who sat on the lap of a boy and was engrossed in his lips. It wasn't the boy she left the bar with, but I doubted that either of them cared. I saw Mandy's red hair for a second before she disappeared up the stairs with Calum, and Monica pushed against the wall by Ashton before a crowd appeared around them.

The flashing lights and thumping music was getting to be too much for me, and I needed some air. I considered going to the front porch, but when I got to the door I saw a girl puking over the old wood. Scrunching my nose in disgust, I maneuvered my way through the sea of people and out to the back porch, sitting on the top step and letting out a breath of relief. There were significantly less people outside, and it was still quite loud, but the atmosphere was different. It was more relaxed, more calm.

I stared up at the sky, setting my cup next to me and enjoying my own company. There was a haze of smoke surrounding me, but I didn't mind. The smell somewhat reminded me of Luke; though, I couldn't remember the last time he'd had a cigarette in front of me. The smell made me feel safe, even with all the strangers I was facing my back to. I wanted to stay outside until the party was over, until Luke came to get me so we could go to bed. However; as I sat alone, a voice sounded next to me.

"What's a pretty girl like you doing out here alone?" it asked and I turned to the source as a boy sat next to me.

"Um... Just getting some air." I gave him a fake smile, trying to ignore the stench of alcohol that washed over me when he opened his mouth.

"You here with anyone?" He set his hand on the porch behind him, nearly falling back as he did so. I considered helping him, but quickly decided against it.

"My boyfriend." I stared forward, hoping he'd get the hint that I wanted him to go away.

"I don't see him." The man made extra effort to look around before placing an arm around my shoulders. I pushed him off, rolling my eyes.

"Yeah, well, he's inside."

He tried to set a hand on my knee, laughing when I pushed it away.

"Come on, he's not here. Let's have a little fun until he comes back." He pushed my hair off my shoulder, his breath hitting my neck and causing goosebumps to run across my skin.

"Stop touching me," I growled, pushing him back by his shoulders. To this, he only grabbed the back of my neck and pulled me forward. "Stop-" I began to yell, but was cut off when his lips crashed to mine. My hands found his chest, pushing him with as much strength as I could gather. The alcohol in my system made me a lot weaker, and I couldn't help but punch his chest in hopes to get him to stop. I thought my actions were successful when his lips left mine, but when I looked up, I saw Luke had pulled him back.

Pretty Girls   ⇼ Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now