Leaving a Light on for Nobody.

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"I have to tell you something," he confessed and my green eyes met his blue ones before he looked away. I feared the worst, my heart pounding in my chest. "I... I really like you," he said, and I felt my heart stop as the heat rushed to my cheeks. That was the last thing I expected him to say when he told me he had a confession. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in and shut my eyes, snuggling into his chest.

"I really like you too, Luke," I told him, though I knew it was obvious. How could he not know? Why would I put up with all of the stuff he's put me through if I didn't? Regardless, I still wanted to tell just in case he didn't know. His fingers combed through my hair as mine traced the tattoos on his chest.

"For the longest time, I thought there was something wrong with me." His voice was quiet, he was full of confessions this morning. "That I was too angry and too sad and I drove people away too much." I didn't look at him, fearful that he'd stop talking if I did. "But now, I realize it was all because I needed someone like you, Val." My heart ached for him. "I've been leaving a light on for nobody, not even realizing that—this entire time—it was for you. I've been leaving a light on for you." He let our a deep breath, like he'd been holding that confession in for so long.

I continued tracing the lines of his tattoos and he chuckled. I wondered if he could feel the heat of my cheeks on his chest.

"I love it when you do that," he said. "When you outline my tattoos." Although he said he loved it, I stopped and looked up at him. "And I love the way you look up at me." His voice was so soft, hardly audible. I kept my breathing slow, as if I could blow him away, and my lips curved into a small smile. "And I love your smile." There it was again. That word—love. But he only liked me. I wondered if he'd ever love me, like the way he loves the simple things about me.

I wondered if I'd ever love him. I wondered if I'd take the time to pick my brain and figure it all out. But for now, this was good. Just liking each other, consumed in each other. I wondered what would come next. Was I the one expected to speak, or would he continue his display of emotions? Before I had the chance to decide on what to say, he leaned down and kissed my forehead before sitting up and ushering my body off of his.

"Wanna go take P for a walk?" Although I wanted to lie in bed with him all day, I nodded anyways and pulled on my shoes.

I was surprised when Luke took my hand, leading me throughout the house and down the street. We got looks from his frat brothers and other college students as we walked, and it irritated me. What was so weird about seeing Luke and I together? Shouldn't they be used to it by now? Luke pulled his hand away from mine, and I feared it was because of the unwanted attention, but that fear diminished when he set his arm around my shoulder, pulling me closer as Petunia led us down a path that she's memorized.

"When I was a kid, my dad had this huge pickup truck," I told him, not sure why. Maybe it was because he's been sharing with me all morning, and I wanted to share in return. He looked at me, confused and waiting for me to continue. "My sister and I used to fight over who got to sit in the middle seat because dad would dangle his arm over the back of the seat and let us hold his hand. We loved holding his hand while he drove." As if to show him, I interlaced my fingers with his on the hand that was dangling over my shoulder, leaning into him.

"But when Laura Gene turned 14, she stopped fighting with me to sit in the middle because she was too cool to hold dad's hand." I looked up at him with a smile. "I was 7, so I wasn't too cool or too old, I was just scared." My smile quickly faltered. "Right after my uncle did what he did... I was scared of my own father. I thought he'd do what my uncle did and..." My voice trailed off. "I don't know why I'm telling you this." I confessed with a sigh.

"I'm glad you are." He tightened his grip on my hand.

"That's when I got the purity ring. For the longest time, I thought it was because of my faith and my morals, but now, I think it's because I was so scared." We stopped in our tracks as Petunia used the bathroom. "Because no one tries to get with a girl who has a purity ring, and if they do... They know nothing would happen if they tried to pull a move." We turned back around, heading back to the house. "I guess it's just been my way of pushing off the inevitable, pushing off my fear of being abused again."

We stopped at the door and I set a hand on his arm, stopping him before we went in.

"But I'm ready now," I said. "I just want it to be special." He pulled me into a tight hug, pressing his lips against mine before bringing me inside. I stayed with Luke, cuddling, through two movies and lunch before he brought me home so I could do my work for tomorrow's classes.


As soon as I walked into my dorm, I was met with Lea sitting on her bed. I'm surprised she was home, considering she usually spent her entire weekend with Michael.

"I have to tell you something," she blurted out before I could greet her, grabbing my hand and pulling me to sit on her bed with her. "And it's going to be really hard to say." I studied her face, trying to guess what she was getting at.

"Um... Okay... What is it?" Her eyes fell to my hands as she grabbed them, in hopes to soothe me.

"I just found out about it last night. I've been waiting all day for you to come home so I could tell you. Michael was drunk and he just blurted it out and-" I cut her off.

"What is it?" I asked, feeling impatient and nervous. That seemed to shut her up, because she bit her lip and let tears brim her eyes. "Lea," I urged.

"I-I thought he didn't do it anymore because he's been different ever since he met you and..." She let out a shaky breath.

"Lea, just tell me." My voice was more serious, and I pulled my hands away from her's.

"He used to take these videos of girls... When they were having sex or messing around and... I-I thought he stopped, but there's a video of you." I could stop myself from gasping and covering my mouth.

"No." I shook my head. "That's impossible."

"He showed the boys. Only the first time something happened but... He showed them." I couldn't look at her. I couldn't pry my gaze from the floor and let tears fall out of my eyes. I bit my lip hard to try and stop them, but it didn't work.

"I'm so sorry," she gushed, pulling me into a hug. "I really thought he changed." I didn't hug her back, I couldn't even move. "Please don't be mad at me. I really didn't know until last night, I swear Val." I felt her tears against my skin and knew she felt mine as well. We sat there for a while, holding each other as we cried. I let all of the words we exchanged today to swarm around my head and I felt sick. How could he be so honest and open with me, if he knew what he did the whole time? Was he even being honest and open? I pulled away from Lea, wiping my eyes and letting out a long sigh.

"I can't believe it," I whispered. How could I? After all he's said, all we've done. Did I ever mean anything to him? Was I just another conquest? I did things with him that I'd never do with anyone else. I was ready to give my body to him. And for what? A video that he showed around to make fun of me?

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