A Tongue That Won't Quit.

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My anxiety was through the roof as we stepped into the bar. I made sure to stall our leaving by taking off my makeup and redoing it. I thought that maybe if we got there five minutes before they were supposed to perform, they wouldn't have time to talk to us and I wouldn't be left alone with Luke. By the time we sat ourselves in a booth, the boys were already on stage setting up. Michael waved to Lea and Luke followed his gaze, his blue eyes landing on me. A small smile played on his lips before he turned around to talk to Ashton.

Luke was wearing a white button down and I could see his tattoos poking through the fabric. His black skinny jeans and boots complimented his legs and I stared at him as he pulled on his always present leather jacket. Tonight, they didn't introduce themselves. Instead they just started playing and I turned back to Mandy and Lea. I felt like if I watched him sing, the anger I felt for being dragged here would go away.

"How was your date?" Lea asked over the music.

"It was okay," I plastered on a fake smile.

"Did you like him?"

"We had a lot in common," I glanced back at the stage to see Luke holding the mic close to his face. I wasn't listening to the words he was singing, but he looked so good pouring his heart into the song.

"Okay, but did you like him," Lea repeated with a smirk. I merely shrugged.

"I think it's too early to tell," I told her honestly. "He was very cute and sweet. I guess I kind of liked him," my face burnt up as I stole another look at Luke.

"But you like Luke more," Lea teased and I glared at her.

"I do not like Luke!" I wasn't sure if I was lying. She held up her hands in defense and laughed. We were all silent for the rest of the set.

For their last song, they played Valerie and my face turned red when Mandy and Lea looked at me with amused grins.

"What?" I asked, trying to get them to stop looking at me. "They're only singing it because they feel bad about the dogfight," I reasoned and Lea crossed her arms. Mandy laughed, busying herself in her phone.

"Yeah, and Luke only keeps looking at you to make sure you didn't leave." Lea rolled her eyes. I glanced over and caught Luke's blue eyes with my green ones. I took in a sharp breath and tore my eyes to my lap.

When they finished the song, they left the stage. Ashton was the first to move through the crowd, but went straight to the bar and began talking to a tall girl with pink hair. Calum, Michael, and Luke met us at the booth.

"Mind if I slide in next to Mandy?" Calum smiled down at me and I held in a sigh as I got up to let him in. Michael slid next to Lea and Luke sat across from me. Luke and I both stayed silent as the four talked about the show and an after party at some guy's house who always came to the bar. I didn't care if Mandy and Lea decided to go to that, I refused to. I'll just come up with some excuse like not feeling well to get out of it. Soon enough, Michael and Lea were making out and Calum was flirting with Mandy.

I was thankful when my phone started to ring and immediately excused myself to answer it outside. Once I was in the alleyway, I felt a huge load lifted off my chest. I sat on the curb and answered the call from my dad.

"Is everything okay?" I asked. It was nearly 11, and my parents typically went to sleep at 9:30.

"I just wanted to check in. I had to work late tonight," he explained and I stayed silent. "I didn't wake you, did I?"

"No. I'm just doing some homework," I lied, wondering if he could hear the muffled music coming from inside the bar.

"You shouldn't stay up late to do homework. You need to be responsible enough to do it at a reasonable time." I couldn't help but roll my eyes.

Pretty Girls   ⇼ Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now