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When we pulled up at the house, the lawn was littered with drunk college students and empty red cups. Ashton was quick to pull me out of the car and lead me inside with Calum trailing behind. He immediately pulled me into the kitchen and poured drinks for Calum, himself, and I. I didn't feel much like drinking anymore, but I took it anyways and the three of us found a place to sit in the living room. The music was blasting, Ashton and Calum were yelling over it to talk to one another, and I felt overwhelmed. I found myself bringing the cup to my lips and drinking down some of the harsh liquid in hopes to calm down.

When that didn't work, I thought about the room I'd stayed in last night and told them I was going to bed. I ignored Ashton's pleas for me to stay awake for just a little bit longer and wished them a good night before stalking up the stairs. As I entered the room, I found that my luck worsened. There were three sleeping bodies on the bed; two boys and a girl. Without having anywhere else to go, I pulled a blanket off the bed and settled on the hard, wooden floor. It took me a long time to fall asleep and when I did, my dreams were full of parties, bars, and other uncomfortable situations.


I stopped drinking after the one shot I had at the bar and locked myself away in my room while the party roared downstairs. I didn't care much for it, I wasn't in the mood to drink or do drugs or even fuck a random girl for that matter. I just wanted to sleep. All the fighting I'd been doing with Valerie was wearing me down, exhausting me. No matter how tired I was, I couldn't help but yell at her whenever I saw her. Maybe a fight would wake me up. Or maybe it'd push me to get drunk enough to pass out. With hopes to find her and cuss her out, I searched the crowded house before pulling myself back up the stairs to check the empty room she'd slept in last night.

That's where I found her. She was lying on the floor, a red blanket wrapped around her torso, doubling as a pillow and cushion from the hard wood. I thought it was extremely stupid of her to sleep on the floor when Dom and Nick were passed out in the bed (with a small, unknown girl wedged between them). Let alone wearing that. The way her legs lied on the floor made it easy to see up her skirt, revealing her light pink panties. As hot as I thought the sight was, I still thought she was stupid for putting herself in this situation. But then again, where would she go? She didn't have much of a choice.

It wasn't long until the party started dying down and the music shut off. I still couldn't sleep and was left to stay up and read The Awakening by Kate Chopin. Sappy romance novels weren't typically my style, but we needed to have it completely read and analyzed by the first day of my Literature and Power course. By the time I was halfway through, the house was quiet and I was able to focus on marking up the text. The quiet didn't last long, I heard a loud slam followed by footsteps and a small voice.

"Leave me alone!" The girl yelled. I was quick to get out of bed and rush into the hall. Valerie was rushing away from the room and bumped into me, nearly falling back. And she would have if I hadn't caught her arm. I glanced over her shoulder to see Dom coming out of the room. "Luke," her voice whined. "Can I come in? He-" I cut her off with a glare before sighing and opening the door for her to step in. I didn't have to deal with Dom. As soon as he saw me, he rushed back into the room. I had half a mind to go in there and beat the shit out of him and take the other girl out of the room, but I didn't have the energy and I didn't want to leave Valerie alone in my room.

Her eyes travelled around my room in silence. She had tears staining her cheeks and her hair was a knotty mess. The velvet skirt she was wearing was hiked up slightly, revealing an oval scar on the top of her thigh. Her tight long sleeve was twisted around her abdomen. I tore my eyes away from her, setting my book on the dresser before sitting on the bed. I watched her as she looked into the mirror hanging on the wall, fixing herself up.

"What happened?" I asked, when she walked over to me, not expecting her to talk.

"He... He tried... And..." She couldn't get the words out, and that aggravated me. Why won't she ever fucking talk to me?

"Well you shouldn't have slept in that room with them in the first place," I stated, earning a gasp.


"Fuck you!" I couldn't help but yell. "I'm sorry for my language, but you are rude, entitled, and you do not care for other people at all!" Tears began to prick at my eyes for the second time tonight, but I didn't bother to stop them. What was the point? Sooner or later he'd see me cry if he kept treating me like this. Couldn't he just be kind to me for once? Especially after having to push the drunk man off of my unconscious body. He was kissing down my neck and when I woke up, I was mortified. "I can't stand you!" My voice was loud, but that didn't matter. Everyone in the house was likely in a liquor induced coma, anyways. "Fuck you!" I repeated, at a loss for words. Luke stared at me for a long while, folding his hands as he leaned forward, placing his elbows on his knees and hunching over. I couldn't judge his reaction: He held a blank face. "Well, aren't you going to say anything?" I prodded. It felt as if we'd swapped places, he was now the silent one and I was yelling, angry beyond belief. Luke's face was now beginning to turn red from anger.

"You think you're original? I can't stand you either!" He stood, his face inches from mine. "You're bitchy, privileged, annoying, and quite frankly, you need to learn to mind your own business!" His hands flew up to his hair, pulling at the roots and frizzing the golden curls. "I've never met anyone who's pissed me off so much. I hate your guts!" We stared at each other for what felt like hours, Luke's angry blue eyes into my watery green ones. The creases in his face slowly started to relax.

"Your eyes get so green when you cry," his voice was soft, nothing like I'm used to from him. I couldn't tell what he was feeling. Regret? Remorse? No, he's going to yell again, I'm sure of it. He took me by surprise when his large hands reached up to my, placing themselves on my cheeks as the pads of his thumbs wiped away my tears. "Stop crying. The fight is over now," he whispered. Before I could reply, he crashed his lips against mine. His lips moved roughly against mine. At first, I tried to push him away with my hands on his chest, but after a few seconds, I gave in and started to kiss him back. His hands moved from my face down to my arms, his grip gentle on my elbows as he walked backwards, taking me with him as he sat on the bed. I stood between his long legs, his arms wrapping around my small body, pulling me closer.

His tongue glided across my bottom lip and, without better judgement, I granted him access: Our tongues battled for dominance, a battle that he easily won. I don't know what was coming over me, but I was climbed onto his lap. His hands settled on my thighs, squeezing gently as I tangled my hands in his hair. The golden locks were so soft and full, and his hands felt gentle yet rough. My insides were tight, my stomach fluttered with butterflies. As we moved our lips together, I felt a certain spark of electricity I've never experienced before. If this was lust, I was not sure. All I knew was that the feeling was addictive and I wanted more. Much more. Luke took a bold move in moving his hands to the hem of my shirt, slowly pulling it up. All of a sudden, I felt sick. I had to get out of there, now. I couldn't keep kissing him, or I'd make a grave mistake. I was quick to pull away from him and clamber off his lap, staring at him with wide eyes.

"I-I have to go," my voice was rushed as I grabbed my purse and headed to the door.

"Valerie," he called once my fingertips grazed the cold doorknob. I didn't turn back to him, but I stopped moving. I knew if I looked back at him, I'd feel an overwhelming urge to join him back on the bed and press my lips to his skin. "If you tell anyone about this, I'll deny it," I scoffed, rolling my eyes despite the fact that I knew he couldn't see.

"Ditto," I barked, slamming the door on my way out. We had just shared a kiss, and now we're back to the yelling match we keep finding ourselves in. As I rushed out of the house, I pulled out my phone and searched for directions before I made the long walk back to my dorm. I couldn't stop thinking about the fire in my body that ignited when we kissed, and I hated myself for that. 

Pretty Girls   ⇼ Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now