Daddy Issues!

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Teresa finally called us in for dinner and we sat awkwardly at the table while May told her parents about the fight that Luke and Garrett had and her classes. I didn't really have much to say, and I didn't want to interrupt their conversation. At the beginning of dinner, Teresa asked about my major and how I was liking U of F, but then turned the conversation to her daughter. Luke kept his hand on my knee under the table and, though I appreciated the gesture, I felt uncomfortable by the physical contact. I didn't want his family to think lowly of me, but they seemed unphased by Luke's gesture.

I wondered how many girls he's brought here and if he put his hand on their knees, too. I also wondered if they were used to it because May often brought Garrett around. They seemed extremely comfortable around each other, at least enough that the couple was holding hands on top of the table and continuously sneaking kisses.

"So, Lucas," his father began. "Are you and that girl finally going to make me a grandpa?" he asked with a smirk, talking about me as if I wasn't there... Or as if I didn't have a name. Not to mention, I was irritated at the personal question. Luke and I haven't even had sex yet, not that it was any of his business.

"You're already a grandpa." Luke's eyes were focused on his plate as he picked at his mashed potatoes.

"Simon's got a kid?" Luke's father seemed surprised to say the least. Both Luke's cousin and I shared an uncomfortable glance and Luke scoffed.

"It's Tiff. She's pregnant." We were all surprised at Luke's admission. None of us really thought he'd bring it up, but Luke's father looked angry.

"You should have been taking better care of your sister," he stated. Luke rolled his eyes, his grip on my knee tightening. I set a hand on top of his, hoping to relax him. It worked, and he loosened his hold before pulling away altogether.

"Tried to. But she was too busy chasing her daddy issues!" Luke spat.

"I made apple pie for desert!" Teresa brought up, tearing the attention off of Luke and his father. I wondered what would happen if she didn't. Luke sighed, placing his hand back on my knee.

"We can't stay for desert." his tone was cold and I felt bad for him. I wasn't sure if he was expecting a different man when facing his father, but I hated that this blew up in his face. We finished eating dinner as Garrett and Dave talked about movies and said a quick goodbye to Luke's family. As he led me out of the house and to the car, a voice stopped him dead in his tracks.

"Lucas!" His father called, running after him.

"What do you want?" Luke crossed his arms across his chest and I stepped behind him, wanting to cower away from what I thought would be an inevitable fight.

"Can I have Tiffany's number?" Luke laughed loudly, throwing his head back.

"No." His face returned back to a serious glare. "You ruined her. You ruined our entire family. Just because you have a couple chips from AA doesn't take back what you did to her." He stepped forward, and I set a hand on Luke's back, hoping to remind him that I was here. "You don't deserve to be in her life anymore." Luke's father sighed and nodded.

"It was good to see you, Lucas." He set a hand on Luke's shoulder before turning around and walking away.

"If you so much as call her, you'll regret it." Luke warned before turning on his heels and grabbing my wrist, pulling me to the car. I didn't want to worsen his mood, so I stayed silent when his grip became a little too tight.

Luke sped down the freeway and kept the music loud for most of the ride. At first, I was content with the silence. But when his knuckles turned white from gripping the wheel so hard, and his jaw remained tense, I leaned forward and turned the radio down. That seemed to snap him out of his trance, as his jaw relaxed and he loosened his grip on the steering wheel. His right hand left the steering wheel and settled on my thigh as he glanced at me.

"Are you okay?" I asked, worried that he wouldn't tell me if he wasn't.

"He's still the same prick he always was," Luke mumbled. "I knew he would be." I wanted to ask if he was disappointed, or if he was going to tell his sister or his brother about it. Then again, why would he? He warned his father not to go anywhere near them.

"Are you upset?" He raised his eyebrows at my question.

"It's just like he never left." He pulled off the freeway and the streets became more familiar. We were getting closer to the college. "I need to get drunk tonight." He let out a dry laugh. "Meet me at the party tonight?" He gave me a light smile.

"I'll talk to Lea about it." I didn't want to give him a definite answer, as I didn't want to go if the girls weren't. As he pulled into the parking lot of my dorm, he gave me a light kiss.

"Hopefully I'll see you in a couple hours." It was nearly 9, and we didn't go to the parties until 11. With a smile, I gave him another quick kiss before disappearing into my dorm building.

As I walked up the stairs into my room, I felt a sense of relief from being away from all the tension. But as I opened the door, all my relief was blown away.

"Oh my god!" Lea jumped up from the bed. Mandy and Monica were waiting for me, too. I sent them a small smile as Lea shut the door behind me and pulled me to sit on the bed with the rest of the girls. "What happened with Luke's dad?" She pushed.

"It was... Awkward." I sighed. "Really awkward."

"Did they get along?" Monica asked and I laughed.

"Does Luke get along with anyone?" I joked, somewhat feeling bad for talking about him that way.

"He gets along with you," Mandy pointed out, standing up and grabbing Lea's makeup bag before sitting at her desk and starting to get ready.

"Yeah. He does," my voice was quiet.

"Are you coming tonight?" Monica asked, joining Lea at the closet to raid her clothes.

"Actually, yeah." I smiled up at them. "Luke asked me to come. I figured I could use a night out." I went to my closet and pulled out the jeans that Luke liked—the ones that were far too tight on me. "I think I'll wear these."

"Yes!" Monica squealed, pulling out a crop top. "With this!" I stared at the revealing material before taking it with a smile. What harm could come from wearing this? After changing and touching up my makeup, the girls and I took a shot together and headed out.

We took a bus to the frat house, sneaking swigs of Mandy's flask on the way. When we got into the party, Lea pulled us to the kitchen and poured us some drinks. It was already packed and Luke was nowhere to be found, but neither were Ashton, Calum, or Michael. After two mixed drinks, I was starting to feel good and less insecure about my outfit. Monica and I danced together while Mandy and Lea did the same, and we were having a great time—laughing, moving to the beat, and drinking more. As much as I wanted to find Luke, I felt at peace with the girls and was having an amazing time. For once, I felt like I belonged at a party. It felt right. 

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