Everyone Wants Her.

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I was finally back in my dorm after five days of being away, and I felt exhausted. I forgot how stressed my family made me and how irritating it was to be around Gene. I was planning on staying through the weekend but I couldn't take that crowded house one moment later, so I left on Friday afternoon and just got back to campus. Although, some good did come out of my week away. I got a trim and some layers added to my hair, as well as some new clothes. Mom didn't approve of the clothes I wanted, but she was glad that I was accepting myself and bought them for me anyways.

As I walked into my room, three heads turned to me.

"Val!" They yelled, collapsing me in hugs. I was glad to be around the girls again, around people who cared without judgement. The people I could actually talk to about Luke—without censorship or worry.

"We've missed you!" Monica spoke as they pulled away.

"How was visiting your family?" Mandy asked.

"Stressful." I let out a dry laugh. "My family is definitely a handful." We walked to Lea's bed, sitting together before Lea turned to me with a wide smile.

"So... The girls and I are getting ready to go to a party-" She began, but I cut her off.

"No." I immediately rejected.

"It's not at the frat, I swear!" Monica come to her defence.
"It's at Walter Pierce's apartment." Mandy chimed in, sending me a smile that told me he was attractive and well known (yet I've never heard of him).

"I just think it'll be really good for you to get out-" Lea spoke, but was cut off.

"Let your hair loose!" Mandy laughed.

"Get drunk!" Monica squeezed my hand.

"Heaven knows you deserve it after all the shit you've been through." I didn't want to go, but maybe they were right. Maybe it's what I needed. Maybe drinking would stop the pain.

"The guys aren't coming?" I asked and they all lit up.

"Just us!" Monica replied.

"We won't even tell them where we're going!" Lea bumped into me and I sighed.

"Val, you don't have to." Mandy told me. "But I think you need this."

"You're right. I do need this." I leaned past Lea to look at Mandy. "But you guys have to help me get ready." The thought excited them, and Monica stood to rummage through my clothes, Mandy started on my hair, and Lea did my makeup.


The small apartment seemed to be more crowded than the frat house. Then again, maybe it wasn't and the small space made it seem more cramped. Lea and Mandy went off to make us drinks, while Monica and I danced together. We'd only been here for about an hour, but I was having a great time. Somehow, knowing that Luke couldn't possibly show up made me feel at ease and free to do whatever I wanted. As we swayed to the beat, Monica stopped her dancing and pulled out her phone before pulling me close to her.

"It's Ashton. I should answer, it might be important." I gave her a small nod as she kissed my cheek and excused herself to walk out on the porch. As I stood alone, a hand touched the back of my arm.

Turning around, I was surprised to see Jeremy.

"Valerie!" He pulled me into a hug. "It's nice to see you." He shouted over the music.

"It's nice to see you, too." I looked in the kitchen, trying to see what was taking Lea and Mandy so long. "How are you?" I turned back to him when I didn't see them.

Pretty Girls   ⇼ Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now