Our Goodbye.

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Waking up the next morning, there was a certain stinging between my legs that I wasn't used to. I was sore and swollen from the night before, when I gave myself to Luke because I had nothing else to give. And it was lovely, everything I'd ever dreamed of. He was kind, gentle, patient. He was perfect. It was perfect. Though anxiety was still running through my veins, I felt at peace. Luke and I have never been closer. Never been more in love. Maybe we could make long distance work after all.

I let out a deep sigh before turning around to face Luke. My face fell when I saw he wasn't there, and I sat up quickly, only to find a piece of paper lying on the pillow he fell asleep on.


We lived without each other before, we can live without each other now.

I'm sorry it had to be like this.

We're better off this way.

- Luke'

In a panic, I jumped out of bed and pulled on the shorts I was wearing last night before running out of the room. I took the stairs down, trying to be as quick as possible, running out of Luke's room.

I was out of breath by the time I finished scouring the common spaces for him, but still ran down the hall and up the stairs to Luke's room. I got to the door, swinging it open. Nothing of his was here anymore. Did he leave early? He couldn't have. He wouldn't have. I took off running again, stopping in front of Michael's door and banging my fist on the wood. Seconds later, Lea opened it and her smile quickly fell upon seeing my state.

"What's going on?" she asked, stepping out of the room and pulling the door shut behind her.

"Where is he?" My voice was louder than I thought it'd be, and there were people poking their heads out to look at what was causing the noise.

"Michael went to drop him off at the airport a couple hours ago." She seemed confused, and I clasped a hand over my mouth to try and conceal my sob.

I fell to the floor and Lea tried to pull me up, but I only pushed her away and fell back down. I couldn't stop crying, it hurt so bad. How could he have sex with me and just leave? Why did he take an earlier flight? Why didn't he say goodbye? How could he do this?

"Val," Lea croaked, kneeling down next to me. She didn't know how to react, and I didn't know how I wanted her to react. She slowly put her arms around me, pulling me into a hug, and I cried into her shoulder.

This is it. This is our goodbye. He's gone and he doesn't want to make it work. He just... Left. He just left. 

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