Uncle Paul.

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After their set, the boys joined us back at the booth. This time, I was wedged between the wall and Luke, with ashton on the other side of Luke. Lea, Michael, and Calum sat across from us. They continued to take shots and crack jokes, but I didn't. I was done drinking for the night and it was getting late. I just wanted to go home. Luke's knee grazed against mine as he slouched in the seat, crossing his arms.

"We're going to head out," Michael stated, grabbing his coat and standing up to let Lea out of the booth. "Anyone need a ride?" Ashton and Calum stood as well. I tried to get out of the booth, but Luke didn't budge.

"I'm staying at Mikey's tonight," Lea told me with a slight slur. "But we can drop you off if you-" She was cut off.

"I can take her home," Luke spoke, glancing at me. "But you'll owe me," his eyes glared into her and she gave me a small smile before walking off with the crowd.

"Let's go," his voice was cold. I followed his command and he led me out to his car, surprising me when he pulled the passenger's side door open for me. "Ashton and Calum aren't shit," he told me, peeling out of the parking lot. "Come to the party with me," I scoffed.

"What makes you think I want to go anywhere with you?" I snapped, not meaning to sound as rude as I did.

"Because I turn you on," he smirked. His left hand was on the top of wheel as his right set itself on my thigh. I tried to shy away from his touch, but his strong grip held me in place.

"My hormones have nothing to do with it. I don't like you as a person," I frowned, staring out the window. Luke's laugh sounded throughout the car.

"So I do turn you on?" I wanted to slap the smug look off his face.

"That's not what I meant!" I defended myself, crossing my arms. His car was cold and I regretted not wearing a bra with this dress. His gaze fell to my breasts and he leaned forward, turning up the air. I rolled my eyes at the action. Pervert.

"It's alright. I've already seen how wet I make you," he pulled into the parking lot near my building. "I'm doing it right now, aren't I?" He asked, trying to hike my dress up. I pushed his hand further down my thigh.

"Stop it," I growled, reaching over to open the door. Luke was quick to lock it so I couldn't get out.

"What's the rush?" He asked, a trace of humour in his voice. "You don't want to have some fun?" Again, his fingers attempted to slip under my clothing.

"Luke," I warned, stopping his movements.

"I know you want me," his voice was low. "I can tell by the way you push your thighs together when I'm near. And how your breathing slows, you start to blush, you never really know what to say," he listed off the actions I'd been completing all night. "You don't do that when you're around Ashton and Calum. Admit it. I turn you on," my cheeks burnt and I pushed my thighs together. Fuck, he's right. I wanted him more than anything right now. I wanted him to do what he did to me last night. "Say the word and I'll make you feel like you're in heaven," I couldn't breathe. God I wanted it, no matter how wrong it was, I wanted it. His eyes beamed patiently into mine, his thumb drawing circles on the inside of my thigh. I couldn't stop the warmth spreading in my body. All I could do was nod and we quickly clambered out of the car. Luke kept his hand on my back as we rushed up the stairs and down the hall to my room.

As soon as the door shut, his lips were against mine. He grabbed my waist and lifted me up as I wrapped my legs around him. I pulled at his hair as he led me to the bed, pushing me down on it and hovering over me before kissing down my neck.

"Let's get this off," he mumbled against my skin, pulling up the thin fabric. He broke off the kisses and stared down at my body as he undressed me. "Fuck," he whispered. "If I'd have known you weren't wearing anything under that, I'd have taken care of this in the car," my cheeks burnt up and he kissed down my neck and to my breasts, tenderly sucking on each nipple before kissing down the valley of my breasts and down my stomach. My breathing was heavy as he rubbed over my heat, smirking. "God you're already so wet," he pushed a finger inside of me, causing me to let out a quiet moan. I covered my mouth in embarrassment, but he pulled it away. "I want to hear you," he told me before his lips connected with me. I moaned again, bucking my hips up to increase the contact. He laughed against me, holding me down and continuing on. "I'm going to put two in," he warned, removing his finger and sticking two in. I let out a loud groan. The pleasure from his lips made the discomfort of his fingers slightly diminish.

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