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Monica and I were sitting on the steps of the porch, laughing. We'd talked about everything from the stars, to classes, to her experiences with boys, to life in France, and she even gave me tips on how to (properly) give a blowjob. I felt so comfortable talking to her—Like I could share things I didn't share with Lea or Mandy. Then again, it could be because I was drunk. She had just finished telling me about a boy she liked in France, how he put the stars in the sky and how much she cared about him but how she was reduced to just a friend of a friend.

"Did you love him?" I asked and she set her head on my shoulder.

"Yes. I loved him very much, but it was... How do you say... When the love is not returned?"

"Unrequited?" I asked and she nodded, letting her eyes shut.

"Yes. It was unrequited. I never got to kiss him or hold his hand or feel his arms around me and breathe in the same air. For a long time, I had all of our good moments, all of his laughter and him saying my name. But when I was leaving, he never grabbed me and told me to stay. I hated myself for so long, for never telling him. I do not know how to get over someone I was never with. Or... Try to forget all the moments I wished I had with him. He never knew how I felt and I was so angry at myself for that... But then I met Ashton," she smiled. "And I have not thought about him in a very long time. Ashton has been so kind to me and he helps me to see that Drew was not right for me." I smiled down at her.

"That's beautiful, Monica," I told her and she lifted her head to look at me with a smile.

"Do you feel that way about Luke?" I let out a dry laugh.

"I don't know. Sometimes I feel like I can't breathe around him because he's being so kind. But other times, he's the rudest person I've ever met. In such a short time, he's changed so much trying to show me that he isn't who I think he is but... He's done some really terrible things to me," I explained and she nodded slowly.

"But does he make you feel more alive?" She asked, "Drew made me feel so... Watered down. Like I wasn't myself with him. But I can be me when I'm with Ashton." I felt like she really understood the situation, seeing as she's only been with Ashton for a little bit and feels such strong feelings, just like me.

"I do things with him that I would never do with anyone else. And... When he's nice, I feel like we have a real shot. But it's when he isn't that I rethink everything," I sighed and she set an arm around my shoulders, pulling me close.

"Maybe that's the problem. Maybe you are thinking too much." Before I could reply, a voice sounded from behind us.

"I've been looking for you everywhere," Ashton spoke, sitting next to Monica.

"Go away!" She laughed. "We are having a girl talk!" I smiled at her phrasing and the fact that she'd rather be with me than the boy she's been talking about all night.

"You are?" He asked, peering over at me. "Hi Val," he greeted and I smiled.

"Yes! We are friends!" She laughed and Ashton stared at her with a smile. The look in his eyes made my heart pang. I wondered if Luke looked at me that way. I wondered about all the things he does that I don't pay attention to.

"Well, Luke sent me out to look for you and your friend," he told her. "You two have been off with each other for quite a while," he kissed the back of her hand and she smiled, pulling it away.

"Did you hear that?" She turned to look at me, "Luke is looking for you." I couldn't help but laugh.

"Well, tell him to keep looking," I told Ashton and Monica laughed.

"Moni, I'm going to bed. You coming with?" She glanced at me to make sure it was okay and I nodded, smiling at her.

"I will be there in one second," she told him and Ashton stood up to go inside. Monica turned back to me.

Pretty Girls   ⇼ Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now