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Luke was different tonight, as we sat in the bar waiting for his band to play. He was fidgeting with his hands, he'd hardly touched his beer, and he kept sending me nervous glances. In fact, Calum and Ashton seemed to be off as well. The only one who didn't seem nervous was Michael—and Lea seemed giddier than usual. I suspected something was going to happen tonight. What it is, I'm not sure of. But Lea knew about it while Monica, Mandy, and I are left in the dark. I couldn't blame Lea for knowing, though. She and Michael shared everything. Every secret, every piece of food, everything.

So it wasn't a surprise that Lea knew about whatever made Luke, Calum, and Ashton so nervous. But why wasn't Michael? Even if Lea knew, shouldn't he at least be on edge? Whatever was coming, I wasn't sure if I was prepared for it. I tried to force a smile, pushing out the worry of what may come, pushing out the thought of Luke leaving. I just kept sipping on my drink, sharing glances with the girls until the boys went on stage.

"Okay, is it just me or are they acting weird?" Mandy was the first to speak, tearing all of our attention away from the boys setting up.

"Yeah, what's up with that?" Monica asked and we all looked to Lea, who started laughing.

"Just wait." There was a hint of cockiness in her tone because she knew what we didn't. "You'll see." Her grin was wide. I gave her a small smile before looking around the bar, my eyes locking with Cass. She took that as an excuse to walk over to us, sliding into the booth before any of us could react. My throat felt dry, as the last time I saw her she was telling me how much she wanted Luke.

"Hey Cass." Lea's real smile turned into a forced one. "What are you doing here?" Her tone was a little harsh, her cheeks burning up when Cass' gaze turned into a glare. "I mean, you usually don't come to the shows." She softened.

"Just thought I'd show my support." She shrugged, looking up at the stage. "Luke looks really sexy tonight, don't you think?" Her eyes locked with mine as she gave me a vindictive smile.

"You do realize that you're talking to his girlfriend, right?" Mandy defended me and I fought back an eyeroll, not wanting to show Cass that she was getting on my nerves.

"She won't be for long." She shrugged. "Boys like him don't stay with girls like you for long." She took a sip of her drink, her red lips staining the glass. "Something always happens, and he always comes back to me." She stood up, walking to my side of the table and glaring down at me. "All I have to do is be patient." She looked to the crowd surrounding the bar stools and smirked. "But for now, I'll protect the sanctity of your relationship and keep myself busy with someone else." She was already eyeing a potential suspect. "Bye for now, girls." She turned on her heels and clicked away.

"Don't worry about her." Monica reached over, setting a hand on top of mine.

"Luke doesn't care about her." Mandy assured.

"She's... Determined, I'll give her that." I sighed, subconsciously touching my tattoo.

"She's also a liar. Luke hasn't done anything with her since he met you." Before I could say anything else, Calum's voice sounded.

"Hey guys, we're 5 Seconds of Summer!" He spoke and the crowd cheered.

"Tonight, we've got a new song for you! It's an original, all of our songs are original!" Michael chimed in and the crowd yelled even louder.

"This one, we just recently wrote. And we wrote it for our girls. This one's called Valentine and it's for you, baby." Luke's eyes connected with mine and I couldn't help but blush. This is what they were so nervous about. A song for all of us. I looked back to where Cass was and gave her a smile to which she huffed and stormed out of the bar, a man following in tow. The music started and my heart raced as I looked at the girls, all on the edge of their seats with the same silly expression as me.

Pretty Girls   ⇼ Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now