It Will Always Work Out.

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(Picture is Monica)

"Val, this would look so good on you!" Lea exclaimed, pulling out a light blue crop top with a rose floral pattern and long sleeves that flared at the end.

"Yes! With those jeans that make your ass look great!" Mandy chimed in and I rolled my eyes.

"How many times do I have to say no until you guys stop trying to make me wear things like that?" I sighed, lying back on my bed. Lea was skimming through her closet, trying to find something to wear and Mandy was going through my makeup so she could touch up before we left. "I don't even really want to go anyways," I complained.

"Come on!" Lea complained, placing her hands on her hips and turning to me. "How could you not want to sit there and watch a whole group of boys play poker and smoke cigarettes while we sit around and mindlessly chat?" Her lips pulled into a smile.

"I'm excited to get drunk and dance!" Mandy grinned, applying another layer of red lipstick.

"I can stay at Mikey's tonight... If you want to bring Luke home," Lea winked and Mandy gasped, flicking her head to me.

"Are you two going to fuck tonight?" She asked with a grin. I rolled my eyes, sitting up.

"Why is everyone so interested in whether or not Luke and I are having sex?" I groaned, pushing my hair out of my face.

"I don't know," Lea laughed, "Luke's just... Weird around you. Like, we've never seen him care about anyone, let alone let someone stay in his room and the boys have known him forever. It's just weird to see him actually care for someone," she explained and I frowned.

"I don't think it's weird," I stated. I wasn't sure whether or not she actually knew what she was talking about. I didn't think Luke cared about me as much as everyone seemed to think he did. If anything, he was interested in me. Sure, he told me all the time that he cared for me, but he just didn't show it so I was weary on the fact.

"It's different," Mandy spoke and my eyes found the window.

"I think if you get a little made up, you'll feel a lot better about yourself," Lea suggested, setting the crop top next to me.

"I feel fine about myself," I sighed.

"Okay, well if you get a little made up, maybe you'll actually see that Luke's into you." She shot and I stared down at the fabric, picking it up and running my fingers along the soft material. Maybe she's right. Maybe if he saw me in a different light, he'd actually like me.

"He's not into me," I spoke, defeated.

"Are you kidding?" Lea sat next to me.

"Val, he's crazy about you!" Mandy joined in and I set the shirt on my lap, biting my lip.

"He's not," I laughed, "But that's okay. We're just... Messing around. I'm sure he's like that with every other girl he's been with."

"You know that isn't true." Lea set her hand on my shoulder. "Open your eyes, girl. Not everyone is out to get you. People care about you, but you never see it. You're always in denial." I met her gaze, pursing my lips.

"And the boy who took me to a dogfight does?"

"Maybe he didn't then, but he does now." I glanced at Mandy, who gave me a small smile.

"If he didn't care about you, he wouldn't have tried so hard to get you back." Maybe they were right. Maybe I was thinking too much about this. Then again, I've always been known for overthinking the simplest of things.

"If I wear this," I began, changing the subject, as I no longer wanted to talk about whether Luke cared about me or not. "Will you both stop prying into all of this?" A smile played at Lea's lips, one that she shot at Mandy.

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